Chapter 10

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Minhyuk scribbled in his notebook with quick, furious strokes in the middle of the chaotic lesson.
It was supposed to be about history but as usual with this class, the teacher didn't bother to even try anymore since no one ever listens.

Rubbers, pencils in the whole spectrum of the rainbow, yes even gluesticks were thrown across the room non-stop on top of loud yelling from every corner of the space.

Minhyuk wasn't bothered despite all of this. He was quite used to it.
Being in 9th grade at the moment, most of his classmates already drank, had girl or boyfriends and were absent a lot but not Minhyuk.
He just sat there, focused on his own business.
The lines on his paper took a steady shape of a flower pot which he shaded carefully in green and grey.

Kihyun who was as civilised as Minhyuk in comparision to other students sat in the front line, barely visible from the back row where Minhyuk sat benched.
Once every 5 minutes, he glanced back to look at Minhyuk for no particular reason. He just wanted to see what he was doing.

Sometimes their glances met and it led to both of them cracking a wide smile. As the minutes ticked by, the messy students yelling faded slowly as some started to doze off.

By the time the teacher left the classroom to take care of a fight outside, Minhyuk carefully tossed up to Kihyun in the front row who was surrounded by sleepy teens sighing, checking whatever they could on their phones.

"Is this like a character design or what?" Kihyun chuckled quietly to not gain anyone's attention, studying the plant Minhyuk had drawn.

"Yeah, that's why it has eyes! Can't you see?" Minhyuk replied in an upset tone as he crossed his arms.

Kihyun shook his head. "Don't be so aggressive. In the meantime, have you seen Yoongi around? You know...Min Yoongi." He quickly changed the subject.

"Yoongi is in classroom E203, he's in 9D." Minhyuk answered without hesitation. Some people found it scary how he knew everything about everyone.

"Thank you, we were supposed to go to the student concil meeting together." Kihyun shortly explain, catching Minhyuk with a slightly jealous expression.

Min Yoongi from class 9D wasn't exactly the student concil type, being half asleep most of the time, never pays attention or makes the effort to raise his hand.
In fact, no one really understood at the time how he got voted for or even
nominated as a candidate in his class thus it became obvious that the boy was actually very smart, gathering information without anyone noticing.

Kihyun started gathering his books, pencils and rubber neatly in his red binder and tried to push out the chair he sat on without making any noise.
"See you around then." He calmly said, walking out of the door of the now quiet classroom.

At that moment, Minhyuk wished he was actually smart for once to also be in the student concil. He hated being left behind but he didn't waste too much time thinking about that.
For now, the boy returned to his original seat and dumped down with a sigh.

Wonho who sat benched next to Minhyuk, stretched over to his side and poked him playfully in the spine, giggling.

Minhyuk gave away a shriek that made Wonho immediately take back his hand from the schock.
"Don't do that! It hurt!"

Wonho chuckled in his usual deep tone, revealing his gums as he smiled.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were that sensitive. Why so gloomy though?"

"Well..." Minhyuk hesitated. "No, nothing. What about you?"

"Same here!" Wonho sighed, laying back in his chair. "There's really nothing up in class ever, is it?" He stated and he was right.

The minutes ticked by and after quite some time, even Minhyuk felt like dozing off.
He got woken up by a hand patting his shoulder. It should've felt light but this was more like slapping and no wonder why, Minhyuk thought when he opened his eyes to see that it was Wonho. "Wake up! Class is over and so is this day!" He rejoiced with a bright smile, pointing at the clock on the wall that said 3:20.

"Uhh...Greaaaat." Minhyuk sighed, getting up from his bench slowly to grab his backpack. He started to walk towards the door and through the hallway with Wonho beside him who followed like a loyal dog.
"Where is Kihyun though? We always walk home together." Minhyuk asked, looking around in the crowded hallway to find nothing.
"I can call him if you give me his number!" Wonho suggested.

"Um no. I'll do it myself." Minhyuk groaned, pressing the "call" button on his phone faster than one could count to 5.
6 signals went through before the sound of Kihyun picking up could be heard.

"Hey, where are you?" Minhyuk asked, looking pretty annoyed.

"Home. Why?" Kihyun answered.

"We always walk home together!"

"I'm sorry, Minhyuk but I'm kinda busy at the moment, okay? Bye."

Minhyuk put the phone down and pouted like a child. "I cannot believe."
Wonho hated to see people sad so he attempted to comfort Minhyuk.
"Look, he's probably just busy with homework! Don't worry, Minhyuk. I can walk you home!" He cheerfully suggested.

Minhyuk coughed. "You? Isn't your homosexual ass supposed to hang with your homosexual ass boyfriend?" He snorted.

"Hyungwon is not my boyfriend but thank you for recognising that I'm as straight as boiled spaghetti." Wonho laughed, brushing the somewhat harsh comment off with ease.
With a tightened grip around his bag's strap, the well-built boy proceeded to grab the pissed off Minhyuk's hand but got rejected immediately.

"I can walk by myself, let's go already." He sighed, holding the door up for Wonho as they chose to take an emergency exit because of how crowded the main exit was as always.

"Can I stay at your house?" Wonho suddenly asked, taking a sip from the energy drink that he held in his left hand.

"Excuse me, why?" Minhyuk asked, obviously annoyed and not very happy about the request.

"You know? Because we're friends? Or how about throwing a party at Changkyun's place? His parents are never home!" Wonho kept suggesting with big enthusiasm.

Minhyuk stopped on the narrow road for a second to think about what Wonho had just said.
After a while of switching thinking-expression about 5 times, he nodded slowly.
"That is...a good idea. What about this friday?"

Wonho nodded excitedly, smiling. "Great! I'll text the crew." He said, picking up his phone.
"Make sure to invite Kihyun too."

"I will."

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