Chapter 6

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Kihyun aggressively kicked Minhyuk who shrieked and rolled down from the bed, down on the floor.
He covered his face in confusion.
"What do you want..."

"It's 9 AM, time to get up. Grab your stuff loser, we're going shopping." Kihyun snorted as he made a snobby reference to "Mean Girls."

"I think you're the loser if you know the lines to that movie. Ugh...whatever, we're not really going shopping are we?" Minhyuk yawned, rosing from his knees, searching for new clothes to put on.

"See, you knew the line too. And no, we're going to eat breakfast, grab our things and bike the hell to school to check out those posters for the art contest." Kihyun answered, checking his calender that he held in his hand with a pencil to write with in the other as organized as he was.

Minhyuk quickly changed into a white t-shirt and grey shorts, yawning once again from the sudden wake up session. "Okay, mom. That's some nice family bonding, isn't it?" He grinned, snatching the red calendar. "Nerd."

"I don't like your sassy tone, son." Kihyun jokingly replied with a faked high voice, imitating Minhyuk's mother who was downstairs, sleeping and therefore couldn't hear them.

Minhyuk giggled, slapping Kihyun's arm lightly. "But mom, we should eat because I'm hungry and I'm not me when I'm hungry." He laughed, referencing the commercial, leading Kihyun downstairs who was dying, laughing at the dry joke.

As they arrived in the kitchen painted in a horrible orange colour, the two boys went completely quiet.
Minhyuk's mom was a late sleeper while his dad was at work despite it being weekend so they had to be quiet to not wake his mom up.

Kihyun climbed up at a chair to reach the cupboard with the box of bread which he gently grabbed, placing it at the high table. The redhead then opened the fridge to take out butter, cheese and all that there was to it while Minhyuk watched him with squinted eyes from waking up "early".

"You're so lazy, I shouldn't even bother to make breakfast in your house." Kihyun quietly complained, sitting down in front of Minhyuk who grinned.

"But you still do." He chuckled, covering a piece of bread in butter, glancing at Kihyun who rolled his eyes.

"I got used to it."

The two of them sat in silence, enjoying their meal.
Kihyun started to clean up the table even though Minhyuk still nibbled on a crust that he had been eating for quite a while.

"Kihyun, you don't have to clean up." Minhyuk's mother suddenly said as she showed up in the doorway, still dressed in her pajamas.
"Leave it to me. Put the dishes down." She demanded, used to the situation after countless slumber parties.

Kihyun nodded politely as he sat down again. "Aren't you done yet?" He complained, pointing at Minhyuk's crust that was still just half-eaten.

"Fine, let's go." Minhyuk snorted, shoving the whole crust into his mouth, chewing it aggressively as a protest as he marched out from the ugly kitchen.

"Sorry for that..." Kihyun apologized, facing Minhyuk's mom who looked like this wasn't new to her before following Minhyuk who was already forcing his feet into a pair of dirty converse.

"We're going to school checking out those posters, right?" Minhyuk asked.

Kihyun sighed. "Yes. I said that just a while ago." He assured.

Minhyuk grabbed Kihyun's black shoes and threw them at him.
"Think quick."

Kihyun didn't manage to catch the shoes and muttered quietly in frustration as he sat down on the hallway floor to slip into the sneakers that laid just centimeters away from his feet.

Minhyuk let out a devilish laughter as he suddenly bounced up from his sitting position, slamming up the door yelling "THE LAST ONE TO GET THERE PAYS FOR ICE CREAM!"

"You're cheating!" Kihyun growled, stumbling out through the door as he threw himself over his bike.

"There are no rules in girl world!" Minhyuk cackled, biking in full speed out on the still silent road.

"Stop quoting Mean Girls, you nerd!" Kihyun yelled, following Minhyuk who wasn't more than 7 meters ahead of him.

The competition between the not-so-fit boys was fierce since they both were exhausted after the matter of minutes.

"This isn't fun, let's just pay for our own ice creams." Minhyuk groaned, jumping off his bike as he started walking with it.

Kihyun nodded, doing the same thing. The sun and heat made it hard to breath anyway.
"Admit that you just said that because you knew you'd lose." Kihyun teased, grinning in Minhyuk's direction who just snorted.

"Sure thing." Minhyuk answered with a sarcastic voice.
"Should we grab an ice cream before or after checking out the posters?" He suddenly asked as he saw the ice cream van standing at its usual place.

"Let's just do it now." Kihyun shrugged, carelessly throwing his bike to the side of the road, approaching the van.

Minhyuk did the same as he pulled out a very thin "stack" of money, studying the menu hanging in a frame on the ice cream van although he already had decided to take a vanilla cone as usual.
He put the money on the disc for the woman in the van to take his order.
"A vanilla cone, thanks."

The woman nodded, looking at Kihyun. "And you?" She asked.

Kihyun quickly snatched from Minhyuk's thin "stack", putting it onto the disc without him protesting.
"A strawberry cone, thanks."

The woman soon handed the friends an ice cream cone for them each, flashing a bright smile. "Enjoy your ice creams."

"We will." They answered in a choir, bowing in a polite gesture before getting up on their bikes again, biking very slowly to be able to eat at the same time with one hand while holding their direction with the other one which wasn't the easiest task.

"I've got a good feeling about this. We might as well win that competition." Kihyun said, looking at the bright sky. "I feel like we could do...anything."

"We're gonna take over the world one day. Just you and me. We'll be mighty and great." Minhyuk answered dreamily. "In our own way."

"That's right. In our own way of course."

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