Chapter 26

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Time fleed in the speed of light to Minhyuk. Suddenly, there were only days left of the long summer vacation and all in all, he hadn't even done much. Sometimes he was actually forced to by Jooheon who insisted to keep the little group of friends as glued together as a can stuffed with smelling tuna. Yes, in reality they all smelled anyway.
Honey would drag them all to any boring place in town just for the sake of it. Today was a time like that, Minhyuk could tell as the bell attached to the old café's door where he sat benched, gave off a loud sound.

In walked Hyungwon with Shownu and Changkyun in his company. They all looked like they didn't want to be there from the way their faces looked and the fact that the youngest one hadn't cared to either take off his black headphones blasting loud rock music nor leave his rusty skateboard at home. They all dumped down by the round table in the middle of the café where Jooheon, Kihyun, Wonho and Minhyuk already sat, looking just as bored. Well not Jooheon of course.

"Hyungwon! Why do you look so gloomy today?" The only cheerful one of them asked, facing the face of his friend who looked more pissed than ever.

The tall mannequin-like one snorted and rolled his eyes by the question. "I guess you could say that the latest weeks hasn't been quite...amusing." Hyungwon groaned, pushing back the dark bangs covering his tall forehead with the remaining six teens waiting for him to continue.
"Let me add- I payed for a shattered window, slipped on the sidewalk outside my house on a banana skin that was PLACED there...Got my jacket lit on fire by lamp oil and- sorry, should I stop?" Hyungwon ranted as his tone revealed that he grew more and more frustrated for every passing second of the words flowing out of his mouth.

Minhyuk nervously took a sip from the cup of tea he had ordered as he listened to Hyungwon's unfortune that someone was responsible for. That someone being Lee Minhyuk himself who currently tried to keep himself together to not blow his cover.

The shattered window had in fact just been the start. Hyungwon was smart but Minhyuk was smarter. He had already figured out why Hyungwon had started behaving the way he did towards Kihyun back then and of course he would prevent any more blame to be put on his loved one's shoulders. Minhyuk's thoughts soon got interrupted by Jooheon who seemed very talk active this day.

"But who would do something like that?!" He asked a little bit too loud with his mouth wide open as always.

Hyungwon shook his head tiredly, dropping a pair of sugar blocks in his tea that had just arrived in silence. "I don't know. If I did, I'd sue that bastard. No doubt." He groaned and picked up the fragile little cup of his to take a sip of the heated liquid in it.

In front of him, Minhyuk sat, feeling slightly guilty. They all got swallowed by the silence that started to take its place. The one to save the situation was Kihyun who deep down could feel the guilt eat on him too but he'd never tell. "Hyungwon, I'm sure it's just some dumb kids. Life goes on, doesn't it?" The slightly older one quickly added, giving him a degrading glare.

"Whatever floats your boat, rat."

Shownu attempted to interrupt the two who were like Tom and Jerry whenever exchanging a single word. "Guys, calm down. No one is a rat here and- Uhm...Just enjoy our time together. Okay?" He quietly begged and glanced at Wonho and Jooheon who seemed to agree. "Also, Changkyun, please remove your headphones." Shownu sighed deeply, getting no response from the black haired boy who couldn't take his eyes off the bright phone display in his hand.
"Whatever." He mumbled, letting Changkyun sit there with emo rock music "killing his brain cells" according to the rest of them who didn't worship satan.

"Was there a specific reason as to why you called us here, Jooheon?" Wonho suddenly interrupted who hadn't opened his mouth so far.

Jooheon shrugged. "Not necessarily, dude. Still- Yes, I do remember a thing now that you mention it." He pouted, adjusting the dark cap on his head.

"That is?" Minhyuk implied, impatient as he tended to be.

"Well..." Jooheon sighed deeply as he put on, what had come to be called "The Serious Face" of his. "I wonder, for how long are you guys going to keep on doing this bullshit?"

All the other boys stared at him with a surprised expression pasted on their faces, all taken aback by the sudden question. Being the first to come to his senses, as usual, Minhyuk blinked and was quick to spit out a "What?!" with a too loud voice.

Jooheon shook his head and faced Minhyuk, letting his narrow eyes wander between all of the other six and stab them with his intense glare, one by one."Don't pretend you're clueless. I know all about it!" He shouted unexpectedly, side-eyeing Changkyun who looked up from the sudden drama.

Minhyuk could feel all the past months events float up from the dephts of his conciousness to the surface of his mind. He knew what Jooheon meant. The tension between him and Hyungwon was just as bad as with Wonho who was unaware of the emotional war they all fought in, invicibly.
The uncertain situation between Minhyuk himself and Kihyun, Wonho who was being drawn in by Hyungwon's mind-game that affected Kihyun who was hurt by it, causing Minhyuk to want revenge. No, it was too late to solve everything now. He knew he'd have to at some point.
But how?

"What's going on??" Shownu asked, interrupting the flashing thoughts of Minhyuk. The poor guy had no clue of what was really going down and looked around him in desperation.

"Oh boy, can't you see it? I'm tired of them playing some kind of game...What is this even? Stop being so silly already!" Jooheon continued to ramble, pointing at first Minhyuk then Kihyun, Hyungwon and Wonho.
"What's even the problem here??"

Hyungwon remained calm althrough Jooheon's yelling to finally open his mouth. "I'm sorry, I didn't exactly plan for my best friend to fall in love with Minhyuk's pathetic best friend whom he fell in love with. That wasn't my plan." He grinned, satisfied with exposing them all in a public space where some other customers had started to watch them.

"Pathetic?? When the fuck will you learn to shut up?!" Minhyuk stood up so quickly that his chair fell backwards and it the floor. "No one calls MY Kihyun pathetic!" He growled, furiously locking eyes with Hyungwon who didn't lash back at all.

"Oh, you're almost as dramatic as him, Minhyuk or should I call you manwhore, maybe?" The taller one teased with an evil smirk on his face that could make anyone want to puke. It was as if the kind and wise Hyungwon was gone. Taken away by the wind.

Just as Minyuk grit his teeth, forming his hand into a fist that wished to punch the boy in front of him until he was covered with bruises, he immediately stopped by the sound of his voice.

"I-I'm...I'm sorry this had to happen, it's all my fault." Kihyun stuttered while shaking his head slowly. Before anyone could stop him, he started running against the exit of the café and escaped in confusion.

"KIHYUN! WAIT!" Minhyuk yelled after him but he was gone. Left was just a bunch of question marks in silence. "What are you looking at? The shows over." Minhyuk muttered, sending killer glares at the people around the group of teens who had watched the drama go down.
With a clear sense of bitterness, he put back his chair in place, scooted over his cup of tea in Hyungwons direction and quickly left the building. "Bon appètit."

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