Chapter 3

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"Isn't this nice?" Minhyuk asked, showing a drawing in his sketchbook of what looked like a sunflower to Kihyun who was focusing on his test.

"Minhyuk, shut up and finish the test for Godssake." He replied without even looking at the drawing.

"Why are you so mean?" Minhyuk complained, pouting as he put away his sketchbook and looked down at the test paper.

"I'm not mean, I just prefer not to become a failure."

"Uff, you're so boring sometimes..." Minhyuk sighed, reading through the questions regarding physics.
None of them was very good at that subject in particular so the time went by in the pace of a snail.

"Gosh, my brain hurts..." Kihyun groaned as he turned in his test paper together with Minhyuk who looked very relieved from finally being done.
"How did you do?"

Minhyuk shrugged. "Probably horrible. What about you?"

"Same." Kihyun shortly answered as they walked through the school's long hallways to get to the next class.

"What do we have next?" Minhyuk asked, peaking at the clock, hanging on the wall in the noisy hallway that smelled of sweat and perfume.

"Art class. Lucky you." Kihyun replied who knew their schedule for everyday without even having to think about it. He was a neat person after all.

"Yes! Finally something I'm good at." Minhyuk cheered.

"Aren't you supposed to know something in our schedule. Whatever. At least I can sleep through it all." Kihyun joked despite art being one of his better subjects as well.

"It's our last lesson, right? You wanna come home to me after school?" Minhyuk asked as he opened the door to the still empty classroom and entered with Kihyun following him.

Kihyun took a seat in the back of the classroom as usual with Minhyuk beside him. "Of course. Did you want something special?"

"No, not really. We could just hang out or something."



The lesson rolled on as usual and no one in the class really complained.
It was the kind of subject where no one really cared about their grades. For Minhyuk it was different, drawing was his big passion and he always poured his whole soul into it.

"Can I see?" Kihyun leaned over Minhyuk's shoulder as he watched him stroking with the pencil over the paper.

"You're already seeing what I'm drawing!" Minhyuk yelled, hiding his piece of paper by pressing it against his chest. Kihyun was quicker and grabbed the paper and looked at it with a grin on his face.

He started laughing at the simple stick-man on Minhyuk's paper and threw his head back from laughing too hard.

"Stop laughing!! I don't usually draw humans..." Minhyuk yelled, pushing out his chair to face Kihyun.
He tried to take the drawing back but Kihyun didn't make it easy by holding it up in the air while laughing his maniac-like laughter.
"Give it back!!"

"I'm showing this to the teacher!" Kihyun grinned, waving with the paper more teasing than ever with Minhyuk climbing on him in devestation, begging. "Please don't!!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Kihyun finally said, gasping for air from laughing way too much. He gave the paper back to Minhyuk who grabbed it and ran to trash it immediately in embarrassment.

"That wasn't funny and extrememly unecessary..." Minhyuk sighed as he sat down beside Kihyun again but ended up smiling like a fool.

"Admit that it was fun, your drawing was ugly as shit." Kihyun smiled and cracked another laughter when Minhyuk swinged with his fist as a joke against him.

"Stop messing around already." Kihyun finally said, facing Minhyuk, grabbing his cheeks.
Minhyuk gave out a shriek from the slight pain from Kihyun pulling his cheeks.

"You're the one messing around, dummy!" He complained loudly.

"Yeah, yeah I'll stop now." Kihyun cut off the tense conversation, quickly returning back to trying to draw the shape of a head which wasn't the easiest task.

Minhyuk just shook his head, returning his focus back to the now wrinkly paper when they heard the sharp voice of the teacher calling for them.

"Yoo Kihyun and Lee Minhyuk!" The teacher called with his usual growling voice. He sounded intimidating whenever he spoke.

"I am not a fan of the way you two have behaved this lesson. I am disappointed and want both of you to stay here for detention." He rambled but when he arrived to the two boys benches, they were already in the hallway, running as fast as they could with their laughters mixtured with their heavy breathing.

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