Chapter 30

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The buzzing sound of people talking was everywhere around wherever you went that morning. The 11th of August. Students with Kånken backpacks, denim jackets and checked pants were running around like hysterical chickens to prepare as much as possible for the art contest that would soon take place. Papers, pencils, boards, yes everything possible was handed around each second.

Every team had their own booth where they were to present their work to the judging panel consisting of a number of five students who were in the student concil.

Minhyuk stood by his booth and made various faces because he found himself quite anxious about the situation. Not that the grimacing would help at all. It was with discomfort that the artist got reminded that he'd have to present his work alone because Kihyun was a judge today. The only thing Minhyuk could think about was whether that'd be a disadvantage or the other way around. It felt overwhelming standing there with only his own thoughts.

Turning his head to the side, the thoughtful blond came to observe the owners of the booth to his left. A pair of boys younger than Minhyuk, possibly 8th graders, seemed to be the owners. Ironically, the guy standing the closest to him looked like the exact stereotype of an "art hoe". He was about the same height as him and Kihyun and was dressed in a dark blue coat made of jeans fabric. The gold bow of a pair of red glasses rested on the students rounded nose which Minhyuk thought went very well to the cole black locks that hung down in his eyes.

Reading the name-tag pinned on his booth neighbour, Minhyuk attempted to start a conversation with the younger competitor. "Minghao?" He squeked, more quietly than planned.

"Yes, that's me. Min...Hyuk?" The student named Minghao responded, unexpectedly fast. His voice was high pitched and was very unique according to Minhyuk. He had interrupted his small-talk with his team mate immediately as his name got called and had also managed to read Minhyuk's name-tag in the blink of an eye. That fascinated the older one.

"Hi, uh...What are you two showing today?" He asked awkwardly even though he could see there was a tripod with a canvas on it. That was when Minghao's companion decided to take a step forward to speak.
His appearance fascinated Minhyuk as well. He was a good 10 centimeters taller than them all and was dressed in a knitted brown sweater. The pants he wore were loose and beige which made him look all in all as Minghao's opposite. Very warm and relaxed somehow.

"We made a fashion collection on paper!" Minghao's friend excitedly said. Mingyu was his name as seen from the name-tag on his chest.
"As you can see, Hao has drawn the models with ink pencils while I cut out the outfits in physical fabric." Mingyu explained with a big smile on his face, revealing a crooky but charming front tooth. It was obvious that he was very proud.

"That's awesome! Good luck you two!" Minhyuk cheered, raised his fist in a competitive manner.

Minghao nodded and crossed his thin limbs over his chest. "And you? What are you doing?" He threw the question back.

With a bit of hesitation, Minhyuk picked up the scrapbook from his desk and held it pressed to his own chest. It wasn't really anything he was all that proud of after all. "My partner and I made a scrapbook. It's not that good but have a look." He explained putting the book in Minghaos slender hands. His dark eyes browsed every page with a quick flow and before you knew it, the boy was already closing the book. "I like it. It's cute." He simply said. Normally Minhyuk would've taken it as an insult but he could actually feel the sincerity in those simple words. "Like it", "cute".

Before he got the chance to reply, the loud sound of echoing bells spread through the hall and a clear voice was heard through the big speakers placed at the end of the hall on each side of the jury panel's table. "May I have your attention? Every artist shall immediately return to their booth. The art competition will now begin." The deep still childish female voice stated.

Minhyuk knew who she was. Yuqi, a sixth grader. Known by almost everyone for her intelligence, talents and looks. That she was one of the judges from the student concil was no surprise to him at all although it did scare him a bit. What would she think of their work? But there was no time for worrying, he realized as he watched the group of judges scooting closer to him, booth by booth.

Closing his eyes, just waiting, Minhyuk was just moments after that, returning to his senses by the sound of a pencil tapping the desk of his booth repetedly.
"Excuse me? Be so kind and present your work, Mr Lee." Minhyuk swallowed as he looked up, meeting the gaze of two pair of foxy eyes belonging to no other than his companion, Kihyun. He just nodded, noticing the other 4 students who were unpatiently crossing their arms and stomping with their feet. Reaching for the decorated book on his table, Minhyuk opened it but almost dropped it out of nervousity as his big hands struggled to get it right.

Taking a deep breath, Minhyuk proceeded to start his presenting session.
"I am participant number 11 and my name is Lee Minhyuk from 9B." He steadidly said as he opened the scrapbook. "This is a project that my team mate and I have been working on and it is a scrapbook which contains photographies made by Yoo Kihyun and drawings made by me." Everything went smoothly. The judges looked at each other, they flipped through the book for minutes. Everything went well until the young girl with brown, curly hair steps forward and Minhyuk can tell that it is indeed the infamous Yuqi. She looks at him and finally asks: "What makes you think that you should win this competition, Mr Lee?"

Minhyuk got startled and felt his system shutting down. He never thought about this so now he had no idea what to say. His answer would have impact, he knew that.

Swallowing once or twice, Minhyuk pulled himself together to give a shaking answer
but paused as he noticed Kihyun's face. It was very different from the before. The rounded face radiated compassion and support strongly. Was the little guy actually grinning? Just a little bit? Anyhow, the artist felt eternal confidence having his back as he read the mouthing of the photographer, student concil member, singer, the amazing person that he loved the most.

"We'll be fine." And at that moment, Minhyuk sincerely believed so.

//I'm really sorry for this late update!! I don't have motivation to write these days but I'm so thankful for anyone who likes this story even after all this time. Happy 5K reads also!!!

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