Chapter 1

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Lance's life had gone to shit. All of his siblings were huddled in a corner in the living room. Lance stood before them, growling at his father. 

"Don't you DARE hurt them you bastard!!!" Lance screamed, holding his siblings behind his back. Lance's dad grabbed his ear and dragged him away. 

"Lan!!!" Rebecca, lance's youngest sister, called out.

"I'll be okay, Hermana!!!!" Lance smiled.

"No you won't." Lance's father growled, shoving Lance into a dark closet and beating him with a stool to help the kids reach stuff. Lance screamed and tried to shield himself. 

"DAD I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!" Lance screamed, knowing that it would stop his father. 

The beating stopped. Lance's dad said nothing. Lance trembled in the darkness. It seemingly ate at him. Making him slowly go insane. 

"Fine. But tomorrow's Friday so get prepared for a whole world of hurt for back talking me." Lance's dad, Carlos, sneered. He kicked Lance one more time and left, locking the door behind him, leaving Lance began to break down in the darkness. 

"Hermano?" Lance's brother, Nick, said. 

"Nicholas!!! Please get me out of here!!!!" Lance whispered, leaning against the door. His eye felt swollen and his head was bleeding. 

"Ok........Becca open the door for Hermano." Lance heard Nick whisper. His oldest brother Lucas whispered back "shhhh!!! If dad hears you then we'll all get in trouble!!! We gotta hurry to the attic if Mamá wants to come home to a happy husband!" Lance rolled his eyes at his brother. 

Lucas loved to surf. He taught Lance how to surf when he was 8. That was before all this shit happened. One day when Lance was 14 he just walked home to his dad beating Lucas. Lance dove right between them and ever since then, he's been taking all the pain for his 5 siblings. 

Lucas, Maria, Jose, Nick, and Rebecca. Lucas was two years older than Lance and Maria was the exact same age as him. Lance smiled. He loved his siblings so much. 

Rebecca finally opened the door and Lance almost dropped to the floor but caught himself. 

"Lan!!!" Rebecca cried and sat beside her hurt brother. Lance smiled and pet her hair, standing up. "Hey Becca. Sorry you had to watch that. C'mon. Let's get to the attic." Lance soothed, kissing Rebecca's head. Rebecca had been born small. She was the runt of the litter. Lance suspected because his dad started drinking  around when Becca was born. Lance ushered all his siblings to the attic and locked themselves in. There were two beds. Lance let the younger siblings have one bed and the eldest have the other one. Lance slept on a windowsill against a bean bag chair. Life sucked but Lance had his siblings and his view and his friends. 

Lance looked behind him and made sure all his siblings were asleep. He softly began humming a song and crying softly. He patched up his eye and put on his face mask. His dad beat him for it one time because it made him "girly" but Lance's mother always got him a 21 packet each month. Lance slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

~Time skip to morning brought to you by Coran the gorgeous man~

"OH QUIZNACK!!!! GUYS GET UP WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" Lance screamed, grabbing his younger siblings and dressing them quickly. Rushed to get dressed and brush his teeth himself and ran downstairs, smack dab into his father. 

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU PIECE OF FAGGOT SHIT!!!!!" Carlos screamed, smacking Lance and going to the restroom. Lance groaned and placed some ice on his right cheek/eye. He quickly made everyone, but himself, toast. He rushed everyone into the car and quickly, drove everyone to school.

Lance parked, almost running into a teacher's car and ran inside the school. He ran to his locker, ignoring the strange looks from half the school and grabbed his stuff. 

"Oh no oh no oh no I'm gonna be late!!!" Lance whispered to himself, running into the classroom just as the bell rang. He signed in relief, ignoring the laughs and whispers about his face. 

"Hey, Lance, what's wrong with your face?" An asshole named Blake asked. 

"You." Lance hissed back, knowning he'd get beaten for it later. Lance sat beside Pidge and took out his math homework. 

"Damn. What fight did you start? You look like hell!" Pidge said, taking out her math homework.

"Yeah and what about you? Did you get any sleep last night?" Lance whispered, handing his papers to the person in front of him. 

"Maybe. I was talking with Matt again."

"Oh yeah. How's yours dads space mission going anyway?" 

"It's going great! I've been studying more so I can get into the school in a few years!!!" 

"You definetly have the brains for it!"

"Thanks Lance!!" Pidge smiled. 

~Time skip brought to you by Happy Death Day~

I grabbed my lunch from the line and sat beside my best friend Hunk and my role model, Shiro. 

"Guys I finally convinced my brother to come to this school!!!" Shiro announced happily. Shiro had a prosthetic on his right arm. Shiro got into a car accident and his entire arm was destroyed. So Pidge's dad and brother made him a new one. 

"Hello? Earth to the Gay boy?" Pidge laughed, throwing a McDonald's French fry at my face. I caught it between my teeth and ate it. 

"Mmmmmmmm. Remind me to get McDonald's tomorrow." I hummed happily, taking a handful of Pidge's French fries. 

"So, Shiro, who's your brother?" Hunk asked

"Yeah, I didn't even know you had one." 

"Well I don't actually. He's adopted. He was around when he was 8. But he's a little hot headed." Shiro laughed. " I literally had to drag him out of bed and threaten him with Allura!" 

Lance smiled but his gasped when someone dumped chocolate milk on his head and shoved ice down his shirt. Lance screamed and began to hop around. Pidge stood up and waved Lance's shirt, knocking the ice cubes out. Lance took the cup off his head and tried to wipe himself up with napkins. 

"Are you okay, Lance?" Shiro asked. 

Lance smiled best he could and nodded. "Totally!!!! I'd never MILK attention from you guys!!!!" Lance laughed. Even though he smiled on the outside, he was slowly dying inside. 

In his arms- Klance Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now