Chapter 2

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Lance sighed as he pulled a note off his locker. 

"Maybe you'll kill yourself faster with this, faggot."  A knife was taped to the bottom of the note. Lance rolled his eyes and threw the note away, grabbing his things. He walked out of the school, thinking about home when a hand covered his mouth. He screamed and flailed his arms. Blake grabbed his arms while another guy grabbed his legs and brought him behind the school. Lance quickly thought about what to do. He opened his mouth and but down hard enough on the hand covering his mouth. The guy screamed as blood dripped down his hand. He twisted his hands out of Blakes grip and kicked free, running as fast as he could to his car. Pidge noticed him running away from some guys and sighed sadly. 

Lance jumped into his car and began to drive away, racing to get his siblings before his dad got home and beat them instead. Lance picked up Rebecca and Nick, asking them about their day. 

"My teacher asked me to draw a picture of home today." Rebecca whispered. 

Lance froze "what did you draw?" 

"I drew you protecting us against dad" 

"WHAT?!" Lance gasped. 

"You butt-munch!!!! Now we'll get taken away!!!!" Nick yelled loudly. Rebecca started to tear up. 

"Are we gonna leave you, Lan?" Rebecca cried. 

"No!!!! Not at all, Becca. I just have to explain a few things with your teachers." Lance reassured the small girl. 

He drove them all back to their house and sent them to do their chores. Lance sighed heavily as he heard the door slam. "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE SHITS!!! WHY DID I GET A PHONECALL FROM SCHOOL TODAY?!" Thier father screamed. Lance ushered everyone into the attic and locked it. 

"Three knocks and you know it's me. Got it?!" Lance ushered. The kids nodded and Lance rushed downstairs to confront their father. "I'm sorry sir. It was just a misunderstanding."

"DONT TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED BOY!!!" Lance's dad punched Lance in the nose. Lance cried out and fell to the ground. Lance's dad kept beating him. Kicking his stomach and tugging his hair. 

The beating continued for a solid 30 minutes. Carlos finally stopped to get a new drink. Lance coughed up blood, knowing at least 3 of his bones were broken. Lance's siblings picked him up and took him upstairs to tend to his wounds. Rebecca messily put on Lance's daily mask, getting some on his eyebrows and hair. 

~time skip to the next day~ 

Lance walked to school with a bandage around one eye and a hand brace on. He didn't want to wear any of the crap that indicated he got hurt but Lucas ordered him to wear it so he would get better. Pidge and Hunk approached him at his locked. 

"Lance what happened?!" Pidge gasped, touching his bandage. 

Lance hissed in pain and smiled "Nothing happened Pidgeon!!! Just fell" Lance lied. 

"Shiro's brother is coming today. You're supposed to show him around the school. "

Lance smiled and nodded, walking to the front office. When he stepped inside a boy with a mullet stood against a wall. He was wearing a gray beanie with a red jacket that didn't quite fit over his stomach. Lance couldn't help but stare. He felt a warm glow at the out of his stomach. He instantly winked and finger gunned the guy. The mullet man looked up, his cheeks turning a slight shade of red. "Are you Lance?" He asked, his voice had that perfect mixture of rough and mouth. Lance could listen to him all day. 

"Depends who's asking gorgeous." Lance winked again. 

"My name is Keith. And would you stop doing that?" Keith asked, the pink nicely highlighting his face. Lance shrugged and nodded. "I'm your guide around hell so if you'll follow me." 

Keith walked behind Lance the entire time, he laughed at how Lance acted like one of those cheesy tour guides. 

"And if you look to your left you'll see the sweat-or-die room. A.k.a the gym"

"And to your right you'll see the slut locker where everybody fucks." Lance joked.

Keith watched and followed the boy around school the entire day. 

"So Mullet,"

"I told you. It's Keith."

"Anyways Mullet, why'd ya move here? What's your story?" Lance grinned. Keith shrugged and looked a bit uncomfortable. 

"No reason." He responded, itching his neck and looking away. Lance understood what those signs meant. 

It meant that Keith was lying. 

In his arms- Klance Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now