Chapter Eight

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*Franks POV*

Forget not knowing what to do, I honestly didnt know what to say. My life is fucked up. Yet again.

I sat on my bed, wondering, how do I explain this? I tried googling the possibility of this happening, and there were about 4.

I was hoping I'd find a logical explanation and hopefully I was really a dude and not a chick. I felt my crotch.

'Thank God, you're still there'

My breathe quicken as I saw :

"Hi, I'm Arin Ilejay and I think I've made my boyfriend(yes we're both guys) pregnant. I don't know what to do and how it happened", On the screen.

What was he doing?

I threw my laptop off my bed, it hit the floor with a crash. I think its broken. Just like me. I'm broken. Nobody can fix me.

I jumped off my bed, and started punching the wall. With every punch, I felt as if I'm breaking myself. I wanna smash myself into pieces so that I seize to exist.

"Frank, a friend has come to see you!", I hear my mothers gentle voice say.

I'll miss that. It would hurt her if she knew. She was fine with my sexuality, but pregnancy... She won't believe me...

"Hello? Can I come in?", I hear a familiar voice say, from just behind my door.

"Erm, no. I'm busy." I know who it was. I just wasn't in the mood to see him.

"Open up or else I'll... I'll... Find a way in"

Haha. Sure he would.

I could hear the steps walking away. Phew. Now back to breaking myself.

~Time lapse- 10 minutes later~

My fist is burning and I just want to die and I need air.

Ouch, I just stepped on glass that fell from laptop screen. Blood. Everywhere.

Darkness. Overcoming me.

Everything turned blurry, and just as my eyes were about to close I saw him.

*Gerards POV*

I should probably go and apologize to frank about what happened.

~walks to Franks house and meets friends etc~

I walk upto Franks front door. I'm a bit nervous and really hoping that he opens. Not that I dont like his mom, Mrs Iero is really nice. She likes me. I think.

As I knock, I hear banging. No, its not my knocking. Its something else.

Mrs Iero opens, and smiles.

"Gerard! Darling! How are you doing?" , she says, as she welcomes me in.

"Is Frank here?" I ask.

The banging is getting louder.

"Yip, he's in his room."

I walk down the hall and I could hear the banging was coming from his room.

"Hello? Can I come in?" I ask, really politely.

"Erm no, I'm busy" , he says in a harsh tone.

I didn't know what to say, so the only thing that came out of my mouth was "Open up or else I'll... I'll... Find a way in" ...

He didn't open. So I did what I had to. Yes, you guessed right. I went through his window. Fuck Edward Cullen. I'm Gerard Way!

Firstly, those trees next to his house are wild. If it wasn't for my vampire running skills, I'd be dead by now.

I quietly jump through his window, and crawl onto the ground, he's on the other side of his bed.

I hear him step on something, and there's blood everywhere.

Wait, blood? Frank is scared of blood.

I quickly get up from my hiding spot, to catch him as he falls.

I put him on his bed, and sit next to him.

He's so beautiful.

Wait, what the fuck am I doing? His foot is bleeding and yet here I am, sitting on his bed, admiring him.

I don't want to tell his mom, cause then she'll know that I sneaked into his room. I mean, what would you do if you found your sons friend just randomly in his room when he just left? I'd probably freak out.

Anyways, focus.

Where's the tissues? Where's the bandages? Wait, let me first pick up this laptop. I might get hurt . What was he thinking anyway?

After picking up the broken laptop, I ran to his cupboard and saw that there's bandages.

If he has so many bandages, why doesn't he use em to cover his scars?

I quickly clean up the blood on his foot, first taking out the glass that was stabbed in his foot and then I dabbed it with a wet tissue. (i had to to spit in it, cause there ain't a bathroom in his room).

I then sit next to him, massaging his hand... I hope he gets up...

Gerard. This is just a trick. You don't have feelings for Frank...

'Yes you do'

No! I don't!

'then why are you thinking of him getting up?'

Because he's my friend and I care?

"You care...?", I hear Franks voice say.

Eeeeepp. Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did." frank replied again.

"So I said eeep out loud too?"



"What did you hear me say?" I asked, still holding his hand.

"From the part when you said that I'm your friend and you care... By the way, how did you get into my room? And what happened yesterday? Why was I laying naked next to you?" He asked, as he sat upright.

"You don't know why you were with me, yesterday? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean, I remember when I found out that I was-", he stopped there and then started hyperventilating.

I take my hand in his, "It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna be here for you. And nothing happened, I wanted to see you in the treehouse, we met, you fell and hit your head pretty hard, I checked for bruises on your body and yeah", I lied to him. He couldn't know that we had sex. It would ruin him.

"Oh", he says.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything?", I ask him. I just had to make sure.

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