Chapter 20

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Officially a week since I've been here. It's been pretty fun, considering Gerard brings Chinese food and stuff.

My moods haven't been erm... Moody... I've been normal. That's weird.

Speaking of the devil, here comes Gerard.

"Hey baby, guess what?", he asks me as he sits next to me.

"Erm you really do know that I'm not good at guessing? Unless you got attacked by a panda, then my guess would be correct.", I said, looking into his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Haha, no... You're going for an ultrasound!"

"What?", I asked in shock.

"Yes! To see the gender of our baby... We can start picking names from now!"

"Ain't it a bit too soon?"

"Well yeah, but if we don't see the gender, at least we'll know it's fine...", he replied as he kissed my temple.

For some reason, I felt nervous.

"So, if it's a girl, I was thinking of it being Bandit Lee", he said.

"What about Cheryl? And we can call her Cherry for short?", I asked him.

"Cheryl Bandit Lee Way... Perfect! Now, if it's a boy?", He asked, as he got off the bed and then sat on the chair.

"Erm.. What about Frerard?", I asked as I tried to ignore the pain going through my ribs.

Gerard noticed I was in pain, so he sat next to me, massaging my chest. Believe it or not, it actually helped.

"Frerard?", he asked as he pushed his fingers into my chest, and I let out a moan.

"Yip, its kind of a boys name, and he can be called Fred for short, 'cause Frerard ain't a name and it's both of our names joined and stuff...", I said, closing my eyes.

He then got up, and went out of the room. He came back in, holding something behind his back.

"What's behind your back", I asked him, as I pressed the button to adjust my bed so that it was upright.

"A surprise...", he then held the guitar that was behind him, infront of him.

"Oohhhh, sing for me!", I pleaded.

"No shit, Sherlock.", he said, and then began to sing.

"This is not what it is, only baby scars, I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side, This is not what it is, only baby scars, I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side, This is not what it is, only baby scars,I need your love like a boy needs his mother's side, yeah."

"Why'd you only sing the end of it?", I asked him as he put his guitar down, and sat on the bed.

"Because it's sweet and can't you just be a normal person and say thank you?", he asked and rolled his eyes.

*Gerards POV*

"Because I'm not normal, duh", he said and giggled. He is so adorable.

I started rubbing his tummy, and felt a slight bump, it felt so weird...

"Frank... After this baby... What are we gonna do?", I asked him.

"I don't know, I mean it'll still be in me during finals and I have to study and stuff...", he said.

"You don't have to do that...", I said, looking into his eyes.

"What? Get a job? Gerard, you do realise that I wanna do something with my life!", at that point, he was yelling.

"No, but I'll get a-", I said but was cut off by Frank.

"No! You think I do nothing in life? Like, I just sit here and do nothing? In case you're forgetting, it was YOUR brother who put me in this condition!", he yelled and started crying, but I was trying to ignore that because, really? It was his fault.

"Technically, it was your fault, Frank! If you hadn't gotten jea-", I was cut off by Frank again.

"Oh yes, you know, cause everything is my fault! Getting pregnant was my fault too!"

"Yes, it is! If you weren't a FREAK, you wouldn't be in this condition!", I then realised what I had said and tried taking it back. "Oh shit, Frank, I'm -"

"A freak? That's what you really think I am? Leave. Now.", he said to me, bowing his head.

"Frank, I didn't mean-"

"I SAID GO NOW.", he shouted, as his eyes started turning red, and started crying.

I walked out, and then kicked a wall. Fuck. Why do I mess everything up?

*Franks POV*

'If you weren't a freak, you wouldn't be in this condition!'


That was the only thing going on in my mind. He thinks I'm a freak. A fucking freak. I wouldn't blame him though. Wait, I am a freak...

I turned my head to the side, seeing his guitar still standing there.

I called out to the nurse,and she came.

"Can you please bring me a scissor? I need to cut open a gift", I lied. There was no gift.

"Sure", she said and smiled as she walked off. She came back with a scissor and then walked away again.

Time to do what I should've done ages ago.

I tried pulling my arm onto my lap, and tears ran down my face...

Time to end this. All of it.

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