Chapter 16

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*Gerards POV*

I walked in. I knew it was time.

I went down on one knee.

Frank gasped.

"Will you marry, Frank Anthony Iero?"I asked.

"Gee... No..."



That was just a dream. But what fell? I got up, and saw, Frank, on the floor.

I couldn't help but to start laughing.

"What?, Help me up!", he whined, as I helped him get up.

"Haha. You're so cute, Frankiekins!"I said, as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Frankiekins?", he asked, as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

Frank was shorter than me. I had to look a bit down, just to see his beautiful green/brown eyes.

Fuck. They're so beautiful. He's beautiful.

"Yes, it's my new nickname for my baby", I said, as I kissed his forehead.

I need to win his trust, so that I could take him out today.

"I love it.", he said, and then looked down.

"Hun, don't ever look down. You're too beautiful, to hide anything. You're perfect. I don't wanna ever lose you.", I said, as I pulled his face up by his chin, with my finger.

"Can we go out today?", he asked. He just took the words out of my mouth.

"Sure, let's go to the park!", I said, as I let go of him and started taking clothes out of my closet.

I took my shirt off and i could hear Frank whisper "Fuck me", but I ignored it.

He then got dressed, but in the bathroom, so I didnt see anything(Fuck. Do you know how much i wanted to see that ass and chest of his?).

We then locked the houses door, and since my mom was out(she's always out), I still could use my car.(she banned me from using it after school).

We then drove to the park, and it was a bit cold, so Frank tried to snuggle into my chest. I put my arm around his waist,and his head was on my shoulder.

He was looking down, at his arms. And then I saw what he saw. His scars.

"Frank... Can I ask you something?", I asked him, looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Sure...?", he asked, pulling away.

"Why do you do it?"

"Do what?"

I looked at his arms, and he got the message.

"Because... It makes me feel good... My worries leave me, with every slit... Gerard... It feels so good.", he said, and then I grabbed him and hugged him.

"Frank, you're perfect. And I'm gonna show you", i said to him.

I pulled his arm, and took him under a tree.

I took out a blade, and then took his unharmed arm. I slitted my name into his arm and his on mine, and said:

"This will be the last time you ever slit anything on your arm, and whenever you look at it, you'll remember why."

Tears fell from his eyes, as the blood fell from his arms. I cleared up the blood and bandaged both of our arms.

He hugged me, and then I said "it's not over yet. And I've never harmed myself, so you've gotta understand how much I love you."

He nodded and then I pulled him over to the lake, and just before us, stood a table, with tacos from Taco Bell.

I asked Ray to do this for me, I knew he'd understand.

I pulled out the chair for him, and then sat on mine, and we started eating.

We had finished eating and then, I took him by his hand, and led him to the a hill. On the hill, was a boom box.

I turned it on, and 'if my heart was a home' by Owl City started playing.

We slow danced and then, I took his hand, just as I was about to dip him, I kissed his lips and went down on my knee.

It was the perfect moment.

*Franks POV*

Gerard Way went down on one knee and I saw where this was heading, so I acted shocked.

He then said:

"Franklin Anthony Iero, these pass few days.. Have been hard... For both of us, well mostly you... But during these days, or well month... I've realised that... I love you... You're my everything. I can't bare to lose you. I love you so damn much, my heart skips beats when I see you, and I just wanna cuddle with you and listen to The Misfits with you... When this baby comes into this world, I don't know how you're gonna give birth to it but anyways, when it does, I promise to be by your side through the whole process and after. I'll try to be the perfect dad for it, I know we're still in school, but once I'm done, and I get a job, I'll buy us an apartment, where we can take care of this baby... And maybe have another one? What I'm trying to say is, I love you. You're perfect. And I wanna marry you."

He then opened a small box, with a ring in it. OMG. I cant.. He's so amazing... I don't deserve this.

"I wanted to get us promise rings, but then I thought, fuck that, I wanna marry you."

I closed both my eyes, and tears just fell freely from them. I cant believe this is happening. I realised I didn't answer, but then I said "Yes", and he got up and started hugging me. I've never been so happy.

He put the ring on my finger, and engraved on it, was 'G&F Forever' and I couldn't help but to smile.

It was the perfect moment.

He hugged me again, lifting me off my feet, and kissed my cheek.

"So, Mr Way... What do you wanna do ?" , he asked me, as he put me down.

"Lets lay on the grass, and watch the clouds..." I said, as I pulled him down.

*Gerards POV*


This is so perfect.

His tummy feels so nice...

Just then, I felt something kick.

"Frank.... He kicked." I told him.

"Don't be silly, it's only been a month or so..."

"He kicked, Frank! He kicked!"

Frank looked at me with a look of disapproval, and laid back down.

I think he felt the baby kick again, because he got up and I fell down.

"Whats wrong, Frank?", I asked.

"It kicked..." He said.

"The baby isn't an it, the baby is a baby or it's a girl or a boy, but never an it." I told him, as I stood up.

He looked at me surprised by what I said.

"What? It's my baby as well... It might not be "my" baby, but I'll treat him like mine..." I told him, and then hugged him.

"It's too early..." He said.

"I know... But maybe male pregnancy is different?"


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