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A/N: You (the reader) are scared of thunderstorms and jack comforts you. I know I suck at being original maybe it's because there is a loud thunderstorm rn and I can't sleep so I decided to do this imagine. Anyways.....

Your Pov (Finally!)

I wake suddenly from deep slumber. I groan as I look at the clock. It's 3am. I sigh thinking about my bunny dreams (Wouldn't it be nice to have a bunny dream?) I look over to see a sleepy jack, slowly breathing in and out while also snoring softly.

I took this time to look at his features. His fading green hair sticking all over the place. His mouth slightly open and mumbling some words. I giggled at some of the words he says like chocolate and cookies. 

I slowly and cautiously get out of bed and went to the bathroom. I came back a few minutes and again slowly and cautiously slid back in the bed not wanting to wake up the sleeping jack 

As I was about to go to sleep, I heard a loud noise from the outside. I thought the sound was a plane passing by or something but it wasn't a plane. It was thunder. 

How did I know? Well not even a minute passes by when it started to rain. And then I saw a flash of lighting. I silently cringed as I saw the lightning illuminate the room for a few seconds. Then a moment passes and the loud rumbling thunder is heard. (Random side note: Wouldn't it be awesome to hear Thunder by Imagine Dragons play Everytime there was a thunderstorm instead of the usual boom? Sorry late night thoughts with the author BACK TO THE IMAGINE)

I cant explain why I am scared of thunderstorms. Maybe it was the big scary sound of the thunder or maybe it was the fact that the room is dark and then suddenly it gets brighten by lightning. The point is I was scared and I was even more scared to tell jack my fear because he might make fun of me. Why would anyone adult be even afraid of thunderstorms? 

My thoughts were interrupted by a big boom thunder that scared me so hard and squealed a bit. I guess that must've woken him up because the next thing I knew, I feel the bed shuffle and hear a yawn. 

"Y/N are you okay?"

I stayed silent hoping jack would think I was sleeping. 

"I know you're not sleeping, I heard you squeal"

"No you're sleeping this is all a dream. Go back to sleep"

I saw jack roll his eyes thanks to the light the showed his for a few seconds. 

"Y/n seriously? I'm not that stupid even if I'm half asleep right now"

I sighed in defeat. Then I heard the loudest thunder I have ever heard in my life. I squealed again and immediately clung to Jack. I can feel my heart beating so fast it feels like it's about to burst out of my chest. And then I hear jacks heartbeat. Slowly beating and calm. This made me relax a little. 

"It's okay I'm here for you"

"You're not going to make fun of me for being afraid of thunderstorms?"

"I don't care if your afraid of the dark or the monsters under the bed, I love you no matter what and I'll protect you no matter what"

This made me feel safe and happy. "Thank you"

Jack rubbed my back slowly in a circular motion and said sweet things into my ears. If I ever got scared because of the thunder or lightning, he would hold me tighter and run his fingers through my hair to keep me calm. After about 20 minutes of doing this, I felt ready to go back to sleep. 

I faced jack and he faced me. He put his arm over my shoulders and quickly pecked my lips before saying Goodnight to me. I put my head on his bare chest and listened to his heartbeat. I smiled and closed my eyes. I knew if I ever get scared or feel threatened , I can always count on my Irish man. 💚

(Sorry for all my random thoughts. I'm just a crazy person with weird thoughts at night. See you guys when I update! 🐬)

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