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When I met you in the summer

Last summer I met someone, someone who was amazing. I was walking down the park just listening to music and watching all the other kids have fun and playing around. Then my favorite song came on and I was singing out loud not really thinking about the other people around me. Then I heard a voice

"Wow you are really good at singing"

I stopped and turned around and saw a handsome man with dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. I blushed and said thank you. We got to know each other a little bit and became close friends. 

To my heart beat sound

After a while I started to crush on Mark. I mean he was lovable, huggable, and has a great personality. There was a few moments where I almost slipped out my secret. Like the one 2 weeks ago. 


"I'm bored" said Jack 

Everyone else felt the same way.

"I have an idea, let's play truth or dare" said Ethan with a smirk.

I glared at Ethan and he just stuck his tongue at me. Everyone in the room except Mark knew my crush on, well Mark. 

We started playing and after a couple of turns, it was finally my turn. I picked Truth.

"Is it true you have a crush on Mark?" said Ethan.

I once again glared at him. Everyone was staring at me including Mark. I was panicking and just stalling time. That was until my phone rang. It was my friend who needed my help and I was excused from the game, thankfully.

Flashback over

That reminds me, I need to have a long talk with Ethan. 

We fell in love

Turns out Mark did love me back! I was so happy to finally find out. It took us awhile to tell his community but once we did, there was a lot of support. Of course there was hate but I didn't let that bother me. I was just glad that Mark loves me and that his community supports me.

As the leaves turn brown

Today is our 4 month anniversary! Mark planned a nice picnic in the park which was amazing. We even danced under the moon. Even when it started to rain, it didn't stop us from having the time of our lives. We ended the night with a kiss in the rain, just like in the movies. As we drove back home soaking wet, Mark said sweet things to me that made me blush. Once we got home, we changed out clothes and cuddled. It was a perfect night.

And we could be together baby

So Mark and I had our first major fight. I'm not really going to point fingers but after all the arguing and yelling, I left the house to just clear my mind and just be at peace. I found myself walking to the park where I first met Mark. Again I saw kids just messing around and a few teenagers talking to each other. Then a saw a teen couple kiss. My heart sunk at the sight and I felt my eyes start to water. I didn't want to cry in public so I sat down under a tree. A few minutes later I heard footsteps towards me. I looked up and saw Mark with red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I just looked down again. He sat next to me. We sat together in silence until he broke the silence. 

"I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me. If you don't then I understand. I just don't want to lose you"

I sat thinking for a few minutes and then Mark started to get up and walk away. I stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He turned around and I kissed him. He kissed back. We made up which made me feel happy like nothing can break us apart. 

As long as skies are blue

Winter and Christmas are just around the corner! Too bad there isn't snow in LA but it doesn't matter because I get to spend Christmas with Mark and his family. I am a little nervous but he said that his mom will love me. I hope he is right. 

You act so innocent now

I have a weird feeling about Mark. He has been leaving that house early and coming home late. He acts nervous around me and I don't know I just feel like something is up with him. Maybe he is planning something. 

But you lied so soon

I'm in my friend's guest bedroom, crying again. I just couldn't believe this happened. I was coming home from work early when I heard noises up stairs. I thought it was Mark recording but when I opened the door to his recording room, it was empty. I heard the noises louder in our room and when I opened the door, I saw it. Mark and some lady french kissing each other. I just stood there watching until Mark saw me. 

"This isn't what it looks like"

I just slammed the door shut and walked out of the house and ran to my friend's house. I have countless calls and texts from Mark but I didn't want to talk to him. No wonder he was acting suspicious around me. I can't believe he would do this to me. He betrayed me. And I hope I never see his cheating face ever again.

When I met you in the summer...

Now it's a year later. It was hard moving on but I did eventually. I was just walking around to get some fresh air. I found myself in the same park again. I didn't let the memories ruin my mood so I just sat down on a bench listening to music and closing my eyes. I started singing again until a voice interrupted me. 

"You still sound so beautiful"

There he was. Mark. I could've just ran away but for some reason I didn't. Mark started explaining how sorry he was and how he wanted me back. After listening to him for 10 minutes, I cut him off.

"What you did was completely wrong and really hurt me. I trusted you with my feelings and you just threw them away. Honestly I don't know if I can even trust you again"

Mark just nodded. 

"Can we at least be friends?"

I thought about it for a while.

"You'll have to gain my trust back but sure. If you betray me again though I will not hesitate to leave you"

Mark nodded again and then hugged me. He started to cry on my shoulder. I just let him. Yeah what he did was wrong but I think he learned his lesson. 

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