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2nd Persons Pov

You stare at the clock for the hundredth time. 3:01 am. You sigh and look back at your sleeping boyfriend. His dark hair a little messy but still floofy. His bare chest slowly going up and down.  You smile just watching him sleepy peacefully. Then you felt jealous. Why can't you sleep? Then you here some noises in the kitchen.

Not wanting to disturb your boyfriend, you slowly but quietly got out of bed and tip toed to the kitchen. You couldn't see anything but you heard pots and pans. You were ready to beat the shit out of some ghosts. Then you heard a chair move. This scared you but you still had your guard up. You turned on the lights and sigh in relief.

It was just Chica. Looks like she got into the pots and pans drawer..again. she had a colander on her head.  You took it off her and put back the pots and pans. You started to pet Chica until she fell asleep n your lap. You smile and carry her to her dog bed. You turn around and got scared when you saw someone standing behind you. Thankfully it was just Mark. 

:What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same question" he said in a groggy voice.

"I just couldn't sleep and then I heard noises in the kitchen so I went to check and it was just chica. Sorry to wake you"

He didn't say anything he just hugged you and layed his head on your shoulder. He was clearly tired. You both decided to go back to bed. He wrapped his arm around yup and held you close. You could hear his beating heart which soothed you. This helped you get sleepy. Soon enough you both fell asleep peacefully. All you needed was a warm hug from your loving and caring boyfriend. 

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