Lazy day

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Your Pov 

I woke up and goran. I didn't feel like getting up just yet so I tried to go back to sleep. Tried. I couldn't which made me groan louder. Then my boyfriend woke up. His eyes fluttered open and smiled at me. 

"Sorry for waking you up." I said

"It's okay, I like waking up early anyways since I get more done in the day"

Sean gets up and starts getting ready. I just closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep again. I hear him giggle. 

"Are you really lazy today?"

I respond with a pretend snore. He finished getting ready and went to his recording room to make videos. Soon I went back to sleep.

I wake up 3 hours later. I didn't care what time it was I just wanted a lazy day. I got dressed with some sweatpants and a comfy shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun and went to the kitchen. I was just going to have some left over pizza for breakfast. I don't care if it's not a breakfast food I just want some pizza. 

I heated up the pizza and turned on netflix. I started watching f/s. Suddenly I felt cold and went to get a blanket to snuggle in. I just kept watching netflix for who knows how long. 

Eventually Sean came back from recording to eat something.  He looked at me and smiled. I just slowly started to roll off the couch and hit the floor. I hugged the cold floor and just layed there. I hear Sean chuckle and helped me up.

"I'm guessing your having a lazy day?"

"You know it. I just don't feel like doing anything"

"I just want to lay in my bed"

"Don't feel picking up the phone so leave a message at the tone "

"Cause today I don't feel like doing anything, nothing at all"

Then Sean hugged me tightly but not to tight. I smiled in his arms. We just stood there for a while before I broke the silence.

"Care to join me in this lazy day?"

"You know what? I could use a break today"

We spent the rest of the day just watching movies and cuddling. Today was truly a lazy day. 

Jacksepticeye and Markiplier imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now