Halloween Party

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Your Pov

I was invited to my friend's Halloween party. They said to wear a costume that doesn't show my face so I decided to go as the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz but wear a green mask. The party didn't start until 7pm so I had to wait a while. I decided to just watch some spoopy movies while I waited.

-Time Skip-

I arrived at their house in full costume. My friend was dressed as a storm trooper and I saw many other people in costume but I couldn't see their faces. I decided to get a few drinks and catch up with my friend. It was kinda weird not knowing who was in the room but it was a good way to talk to people. At one point the speakers were playing Thriller and I just had to get on the dance floor. I set my drink down and ran to the dance floor. As I was doing a few moves, I accidentally bumped into someone. 

"Sorry" I say as I turn around to look at them.

"It's alright" the mystery person replied back. 

They were dressed in a batman costume and the mask covered most of his face so I couldn't tell who it was. The voice sounded male and oddly familiar. He was average height had had brown eyes that stared into my soul. 

"What's a pretty witch like you doing here?" the man flirted while also doing a batman impression. I giggled at his impression.

"Well I know the host so I was invited, what about you batman?" I flirted back.

"Same reason you're here. You know, you're the prettiest witch I seen" he said while smiling.

I blushed at the compliment but I was glad he couldn't tell since the mask was hiding it. He handed me a drink and gladly accepted. We decided to just talk on the couch and get to know each other. Something about him though seems familiar, I just can't put my finger on it. 

After a while I started to get drunk from the alcohol. The more I stared at the mystery man, the more I crave for his lips to be on mine. He wasn't drunk since he can't have alcohol but I can tell he wanted to kiss me too. I decided to make a move and feel his arms. His arms were buff even with the buffy fake arms from his costume. 

"What a strong *hiccup*superhero you are" I slurred.

"What a sexy witch you are" he replied in a deep husky voice.

I started to lean in and he leaned in to. Our lips smashed and I felt fireworks. His lips were soft but perfect and it felt right to kiss him. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his hands on my waist. The kiss started slow but then got heated. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him in and our tongues were dancing together. After a while we stopped before things got too heated. We both starred at each other with lust in our eyes.

My friend then grabbed a microphone and told everyone to take off their masks. I took mine off and the man took his off. I looked at him and couldn't believe who I saw. My best friend for 10 years and my crush for 4 years, Mark. When he looked at me, he was shocked too. We both blushed in embarrassment.

"Y/n, I didn't know it was you, i'm sorry for kiss-" I put my finger on his lips to shush him up.

"Just shut up and kiss me"

He smirked and smashed his lips onto mine. That party was spooktacular. 

(A/n: Hello! I changed my @ and name and all that. How are you? Hopefully well.  Are you ready for the spooky day? I'm going as an archer. Anyways i'm very tired so hope you enjoyed. See you whenever uwu)

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