27- Rewind the Clock

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Twenty - Seven
Rewind the clock

--- Japan's POV ---

I reached for Germany's hand and pressed down on the blue screen, I didn't know what exactly I was doing, but it hurt to be here. I also managed to get out of the way before 2p! Italy was able to get to me.

Before I was able to blink again, I saw Germany and I floating in a black abyss. We were so lifeless and free, but we couldn't move our arms or legs. When I finally blinked, we both fell to the floor upon impact. "What just happened?" He asked a bit upset. I stood up and helped Germany up, "it worked... They still haven't gotten here and Italy and _______ aren't dead yet." I spoke. Germany looked around sadly, "Ja, I see... Well, we have the guns, when Italy enters, we will fight the others off and save him."

"I apologise, Doitsu, but we cannot interfere with them, we can only give them our guns and that is it. Then we will go back." I explained, "But he can't-" Germany began to protest, I had to cut him off, "we will give him the weapons and tell him to give one to the allies to protect him. Then we will leave, that simple, please don't disagree with me, we cannot mess with time as much as the others have."

Germany looked at me angrily, I had to stare back at him, he broke eye contact a few seconds later, "Fine... I hope you're right." I nodded as I hid the watch in my pockets.

As we began speaking, Italy ran into the room, "Wha- Wow! You guys are alright!" He smiled cheerfully as he ran towards us, I turned towards Germany, I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Italy, zhis is your time to be strong." Germany said boldly. I looked straight at him, "Why? You will be there to save me, won't you?" Italy asked Germany.

Germany only looked down slightly, "You need to defend yourself today, Italy, we are all counting on you." He set his hand on Italy's shoulder and hugged him. Italy was stunned for a moment, then hugged back. "What are you going to do?" he asked.

As much as I hated myself for ruining Germany's happy face, I spoke up.

I pointed past Italy, at the door, "The rest will arrive soon. Doitsu, we have to hurry." Germany handed Italy two guns, "Sorry, there aren't very many good working weapons here, take one to the allies and help them. They will protect you today." I looked at the door slowly. "F-Fine, I'll be strong... But I won't die... I've lived this long, right? Plus we're cou-" Germany cut him off, "If this is anything like that horrid mansion, don't rely on the fact you are a country, now go." He commanded. Italy turned back around, taking one last look at us, "O-Okay... But please don't say 'goodbye' you too..."

We both smiled at him. He smiled back. I could see the fear in his eyes, he was a but of a fool, but he was smart enough to understand that things would only get tougher from here.

I turned towards Germany, "Doitsu, I feel that if I told you this sooner, you wouldn't follow my instructions as easily..." He frowned as he turned towards me, "What is it?" His voice cracked when he asked. He wasn't mad, he was just holding a lot of sadness in, "We have given them the guns, so they will have something to defend themselves with. Our work here is finished... Since they live here, and they are dead in our life time, that means that our time never really happened..."

His eyes widened, "Japan... We are disappearing now." He hugged me, "it has been good having you as my friend." He spoke. My eyes widened as I smiled back. "You too, Doitsu, shall we meet again sometime?" Somehow, a tear escaped my eyes as my legs began to dissapear.

My eyes widened as I realised that although I am dying now, I could help a little more. I pulled the blue watch out of my pocket and dropped it on the floor. I hugged Germany again, now I was ready to die a warrior.

"Italy... There's no one there..." I heard last. But how could I stop crying now?

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