38- This is War

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 38
This is War

We were face to them. Again, but it was all of them together, with an addition...

2p!Italy Luciano, 2p!Germany Lutz, 2p!Japan Kya, 2p!America Allen, 2p!England Oliver, 2p!Russia Nikolai, 2p!Canada Mathew, and someone who looked like Prussia... Gilet.

How did I know that? How did I know all of their names. I've never seen Gilet and get I know his name. They walked in further.

Russia woke up tired, along with Germany, but America was still asleep. I tried shaking him more, but he wouldn't get up. I sort of panicked as I looked up.

Luciano looked around, "I didn't know you had guests over." He said creepily. Oliver, who was being held by Canada and England laughed, "Welcome to the party, gentlemen. I know it's rude to ask a guest for help, but in this case, I suppose it's fine." He began. Luciano smiled, "No, it's fine. But you owe me."

I steadily watched as he moved so quickly. It was just one swift and quick movement. And he was already in front of Italy, "And just who would you be?" He spoke. Italy couldn't even look him in the eyes and he cried, "Germany! Help me!"

I slowly turned towards Germany who stood up. I could only stare in awe as he went against the fact that he had just woken up, he walked in between Luciano and Italy and glared at Luciano, "Stay away from him or else." He only warned.

Russia rubbed his eyes and looked around momentarily. "Is that one me?" He asked as he pointed at Nikolai. "Our last battle was a little bad. How about a rematch?" Russia growled as he walked towards Nikolai with a smile that only a fangirl could love.

On the other hand, Luciano now took a step away from Germany. He seemed a bit intimidated but not long. Luciano reached into his pocket and scientist pulled out his knife. Germany didn't flinch though. He stood his ground and strong.

Everyone seemed so into this fight. So angry and tired. Except for the 2p's who were very tenacious. Nevertheless, they would finish fighting us yesterday...

I kept on shaking America so that he would hopefully wake up, but he didn't seem to be waking up any time soon. Through this, everyone stood tall, fighting each other, but for what?

I was already beginning to understand some parts of this all though. But still, it didn't make complete sense.

Yesterday, they fought us and they didn't make it completely obvious that there was a reason other than their little rematch, so that must mean they will lose today. Also, after everyone sort of 'teleported' to this time this morning, they came after Italy and I. Luciano said there was something I had. Did he mean a soul, or was that Oliver's wants? Or was Luciano working for Oliver? Also, if they forgot us, why did they now seem to remember us, and one last thought. Maybe by using this little red watch, we can all head back home but then it messes up and I end up being taken back to my world where I forget everything somehow but then Italy and Romano come to bring me back, but they mess up... Yeah, that's a thought. But I really shouldn't be thinking about that now.

Allen pushed England into France, knocking them both down. England stood up quickly and charged back at Allen, but he managed to grab his nailed bat. In fear, England turned away and took on Mathew. It's sort of obvious that you can't really battle yourself alone, you're completely tied since they are the same person. France then ran at Mathew as well. It was all so very complicated.

I frightfully turned my attention back to America. He looked peacefully asleep. I smiled lightly as it was that, that made me realise where I was. I had to finish the job now. I tried slapping him to wake him up but nothing really seemed to work. Out of desperation, I could only think of retreating somewhere safter.

I grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my shoulder, I then forced myself to stand which wasn't that hard since I was pretty robust. The hard part was moving while carrying a body that was twice as heavy as me, not because he was fat but because I just couldn't carry him easily.

"Almost... There..." I muttered as moved my feet towards the door that led to the hall.

"Ugh. Where do you think you're going, dollface?" Allen then asked from behind me.

I felt my lungs giving up on me as I ran down the hall now, adrenaline running but not so easily. He was still right behind me. Walking. He was Taunton me now. How cruel of the monsters to play with their next meal...

"Stop running so that you aren't tired when I kill you." He advised. But I couldn't stop. I managed to make it into the bedroom. I then closed the door quickly and pushed a chair in front of it hoping that the chair could hold him back like it did in the cartoons. But sadly, since the lock on the door was broken off as well, a single kick from Allen and the door practically fell to the ground. I was aghast as he stepped foreword and knelt down before me.

"You know..." He started softly, "I can't really kill you yet..." He put his finger under my chin and raised my head to face him.

"Oh? Why would that be? Are you going to kill everyone first as if I can't already endure this suffering." I growled. He rolled his eyes but only looked down, he looked almost sad. "Well, what would be the fun if we didn't do that, but no, that's not it." He spoke slowly.

He let go of my chin and slowly moved his hand on my stomach, slowly moving it up. I was frozen as his hand crept on me, "The thing is... You have life inside of you."

He turned to look me in the eyes as I pushed his hand away, "Is that it?" I asked. He nodded ever so slightly, "You're from another dimension aren't you?" He asked. I only stared at him as he continued, "Do the others know that?" I tilted my head and turned to look at America whose head was on my shoulder. "I... No." I could only say.

"If they found out, they would treat you differently you know..." He now moved his hand back on my chin and I stared into his dark red eyes, "I think we both know how much we have in common. If you help out... Then we can do things to restore your previous memories." He spoke, trying to cajole me.

But then a smirk came across his wicked face. "That's what I thought." He said.


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