16-Am I Punny Enough

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter Sixteen
Am I Punny Enough

____________ had woken up extra early to bake some bacon and make coffee for both herself and Alfred. It came out pretty decent looking, that obviously didn't mean it would taste the same. Because if the doctor had taught her anything is, what's there and what you see are two different things. She hesitated to eat it, but to everyone's surprise, it was alright.

"Good morning Alfred!" She sang from the kitchen. Alfred entered and picked up a plate, "Sweet, bacon!" _________ nodded, "Yeah, and coffee."
Alfred looked up at me, his eyes bright, "By te way, today we are going over to Ivan's house!" I stretched out, "Well I've never been to Russia, this should be fun." He grinned, "Great, come on, we have to take a plane to France first." I grinned now, "I've never rode a plane... This, should be fun."

--- First Person POV ---

Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. I shivered hopelessly while I buckled my seat belt and held on tightly. "So you've never rode a plane before?" Alfred asked as he hid his laughter. I stared out the window in pure horror, how could some people actually bare to do this everyday though?

"Ya know, it's not as scary if you stop reading stories about plane crashes." Alfred stated. I looked up at him wide-eyed. The only survivor in this story died ten years later." I mentioned. He rolled his eyes and read over the story, "Well, yeah, the only survivor was like eighty years old _________. Dudette, come on, smile we will arrive at France, soon." I nodded my head eagerly and held onto the edge of my seat. "Alright, I trust you. But if you're wrong and we all die. I'm going to kill you Alfred." He laughed beside me while I sat in high alert.

Luckily, we arrived alive. I was practically the first to get off and jump on the ground happily. Alfred had to help me up after getting a cut. Darn ground, I was so happy to see it and it cuts me.


"Bonjour! Comment vous-tu, mon chérie." Francis greeted us. I got into the back seat of the car, next to Arthur. Francis said that he wouldn't take the time out of his day to drive us all to Russia while sitting next to a black sheep for five or so hours. Alfred took it upon himself to call put 'shotgun' so now I'm in the back.

"Hey guys..." I spoke a few hours into the ride. "I'm Hungary."

"Then you should have eaten at home." Arthur said without even batting me an eye.

"Alright, once we get to Russia, I'll be Russian to the fridge." I smiled. They didn't seem to catch on yet. Maybe he will have some Turkey in it. There's Norway I'm going to eat it if there's even a little Greece on it. But maybe I can put some Chile on it." Arthur frowned at me, "Stop." Alfred was covering his mouth to hide his laughter.

"I don't Bolivia, Arthur. How can you not laugh at my punny jokes? They're a real Spain to think of." Arthur continued frowning as he looked down at his book, "Denmark my words, Arthur! I'll think of better puns."

Alfred turned around, "Uganda be joking me, Kenya think of any better puns?" I tried keeping a straight face, "Quit Haiti on me, but Iran out of them." Francis included, we all burst into laughter, not even Arthur could resist but smile.


"Oh, ______________, if you wake up now you can go inside. It's cold and we're in Russia." I heard Francis speak calmly. I opened my eyes to see the white snow everywhere. "Alright. Then let's run. Unlike Elsa, the snow fuckin bothers me." I crossed my arms and opened the door, then made a dash for the door. Francis ran behind me. The door was partly opened, Arthur and Alfred must have already walked inside.

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