46- FuCkInG mIrAcLeS

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Hetalia x Reader

Chapter 46
FuCkInG MiRaClEs

It felt as if it wasn't there anymore. That gun shot hole whatever in my back.

Either it felt like that or I was dead and dreaming... Do dead people dream? Or is this what being dead is like, or was I never really dead?

As quickly as I could, which must have been that fucking slow, I moved my hand to my wound. It... Was fading. What was happening to me? Was Gamzee right to believe that everything is made of FuCkInG mIrAcLeS? Or was science able to overcome the questions and answer me this? Oh man, I just really hope that if I'm dead or if this is some dream that this isn't everything there is to it. I can't have a dream where everything is dark. Oh man.

No wait. My vision has returned. I looked at the ceiling. I had my had on my, now gone, chest and took in a deep breath. Why was my hand wet. I moved it in front of my face and a drop of blood dripped off my hand and onto my cheek. Sick. I wiped my hand on my jeans and sat up slowly, it still somewhat hurt.

"What the hell?" England exclaimed from the hall. I turned towards him and sat up. He had Russia's tie wrapped around his waist and was leaning against him to stand. The scarf was bloody too.

"No cursing you fucking wanker!" I scolded with a smile. Past America turned to me wide eyed. It almost looked as if he were going to cry. I stood still but then before I knew it. He was hugging me tightly and crying. My face heated up but I hugged him back just as tightly.

Once he let me go, I turned over towards the... Bat... "What happened here?" I asked as I starred at the bat then a smashed in head. "N-Nothing... What are you going to do?" America asked.

With a quick swing, I smashed the mirror on the wall then dropped the bat.

"I had a dream and someone told me to break the mirrors because they're going to slow us down. So, if you see any mirrors, smash them. Okay?" I said.

They all three nodded, "Now, to find the others and group together downstairs." I said.

They all nodded again. And with that, we were all off to get Japan and Canada in the next room, then Germany and Italy who were downstairs then meet France and China and Current America in the living room downstairs. By the time we get there, they will finally be awake.


We arrived downstairs in style. Everyone walked in pairs of two so that if we were to be ambushed, we would be ready.

"I learned quite a bit in my dreams from that guy." I spoke to America. He didn't turn towards me but asked, "What else?" I rubbed my arm, "Like, that we will be getting two final guests and once we beat them, there will be one last obstacle to go through."

"What would that be?"

"I don't know that."

"Oh, well if the final two are kill able then they can't be our last challenge."

"Exactly. Unless it's Oliver."

"Nein, we killed him." Germany interrupted as he walked towards us. He must have been in the kitchen.

"How did you kill him?" England asked from behind.

"It was really cool!" Italy cheered.

Germany then explained, "While you two were busy fighting upstairs, I came downstairs to find him and I did. He was in the kitchen and had two cupcakes in his hand that were alike in every way.
He said that one had poison and one didn't. Then he said that I would have to eat one and the other one which I didn't eat, he would eat. I said okay and then we sat down at the table.
He gave me a minute to decide which one I wanted so I did. His mistake was to use the same poison in these that he used when we were being held prisoners in their world. They both hand poison. So when he said 'times up,' instead of choosing, I smashed his face into the table."

I pressed my lips together, "The smell was that obvious?"

"Indeed it was." He responded.

"Si! And then I was very scared because my grandpa Rome told me he would be in trouble! So then I woke up and England asked me why I was asleep and is just told him that Germany was going to be in trouble! So I ran down here and found him while England went down the hall to see if he was still on the couch. I found him in the kitchen smashing Oliver's head into the table!" Italy spoke eagerly.

I turned towards him, "So wait. You're telling me that weird guy in my dream was your grandpa, Rome?"

Italy nodded.

"Shit, he's hot." I admitted

America frowned and looked over, "Hey, how long have we been awake?" He asked. I shrugged and Canada walked to the front. "The windows don't seem to be real here... Ever since they showed up... If you try looking outside, you will either see light or darkness. It changes every few hours or so." He spoke softly.

"Like day and night." England sighed, "We've been awake for nearly a week then."

"And we must not be tired because the hours are going so quickly for us..." Russia added.

Germany and Italy turned foreword, "The others are fine too. Italy helped me bandage them and they should be waking up soon.

I smiled; this is all going as my dream told me it was going to go. By the time we get to the room, they'll be awake.

"So if Mathew, Oliver, and Luciano are dead, who are the last two we are supposed to take on?" Japan asked from behind. We headed into the living room.

"My guess would be- them." I said.


please do enjoy this trio if chapters I've finished just for you! And you! AND DEFINITELY YOU BRENDA! Jk. I don't know a Brenda, it's just something I hear on tv a lot! :D

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