Chapter 1 Back to California

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Chapter 1

Peeta and I get our two kids ready for the high school reunion.

I walk upstairs into my daughter's room. "Katherine, have you packed like I asked you?"

"Yes, mommy. I brought enough for two weeks."

"Perfect, thanks sweetie." I kiss her forehead.

"Pete, did daddy help you pack?" I ask my youngest.

"Yes, mommy."

"Good, bring your bags downstairs kids."

Peeta brings my bag and his bag.

"Thanks Peeta."

"No problem."

We load up the car and start driving to our home. We live in a cozy house in Oregon. Our home is in California. We get to the airport, we were going to drive but Katherine gets car sick. Plus kids are hard to entertain for a long drive. Peeta and I haven't talked to anyone from high school. Not Finnick, Annie, Johanna, Thresh, Gale, Cato, Cashmere, Gloss, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, none of them. I'm excited and nervous to see everyone. We get on the plane. There's only three seats per row.

"Can I sit with Pete?" Katherine asks.

"Please mommy, I'm scared to fly and Katherine is going to show me different ways to like planes." Pete tells me.

Katherine is a lot like me, she loves to take care of Pete. Just like I loved to take care of Prim, who doesn't need me to take care of her anymore. She's in college now, too. I visit her once a month with Katherine so Katherine flies a lot with me. Peeta has been before, but Pete hasn't met Prim other then the time he was born. We're going to visit her on the way home though.

"Sure you guys can sit together," I tell them and they cheer in excitement. They are best friends and they do everything together, if one of them goes to a friends house, the other goes. Not because I make them, but because they want to. "Here's some gum, chew it really loud when the plane takes off. I got your favorite flavor..."

"Strawberry!" they both say.

I laugh and so does Peeta. We sit down in the row behind them. No one sits next to them, this plane isn't very busy. We take off and I hear them munching on the gum. Katherine tells Pete different things to do. She hands him one of her travel pillows. She has three of them for when we go to see Prim. She has one in every color. She gives Pete the orange one that she just bought for him.

"They're being quiet," Peeta says.

I look over their seats. "Awwww. They're sleeping." I whisper.

Soon enough I fall asleep on Peeta's shoulder too.

High School Reunion (Sequel to High School is a Game)Where stories live. Discover now