Chapter 3 Obvious and Not So Obvious Couples

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Chapter 3

I grab Peeta's hand as we walk through the doors.

"Nervous?" he asks.

I nod. Pete grabs my left hand and Katherine grabs Peeta's other hand.
We all walk in like a family. We sit down at the table that says "Mellarks." We had to tell them who our family was. We sit at the table. Some of our old best friends walk up to us, I was right Finnick and Annie, still perfectly happy together. But they have a son about Katherine's age. They walk over to us.

"Hi guys," I say just like I used to in high school.

"Hi Katniss. Hi Peeta. Who are these little cuties?" Finnick asks, just as casually.

"This is Katherine, and this is Pete." Peeta tells them.

"This is Finn," Annie tells us.

"He looks just like you guys," I tell them.

"So do they," Finnick tells me about our kids. "Finn, why don't you play with Katherine and Pete?"

"Okay Daddy. I'm Finn."

"I'm Katherine and this is Pete." Katherine says.

"I brought my soccer ball, want to go play outside?" he asks.

"Can we mommy? Please?" Pete asks.

"Sure, I'll get you when they serve food." I tell them.

They cheer and go play.

"How have you guys been?" Peeta asks.

"Good, we moved to San Diego." Finnick tells us.

"I hear the beaches there are gorgeous." I say.

"Yea, they're the best." Annie says.
"where do you guys live now?"

"Oregon." Peeta tells them.

"Wow, big move." Finnick says.

"Yea, we like the area. A lot of trees, fresh air." I tell them.

"Sounds nice." Annie says. "Maybe we should see each other's places sometime."

"Yea that would be fun." Peeta says.

"Annie, they could come to Hawaii with us this summer." Finnick says.

"Oh yea, would you guys want to go? We have a time share and we get the house this summer."

"Yea I think that would be really cool, the kids love swimming so I think they would love a trip to Hawaii." I tell them.

"Cool, we can talk about the details later."

I nod in agreement. Johanna comes walking in now, with Thresh at her side. Wait, what?

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