Chapter 8 Katherine's Secret

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Chapter 8

"So if you're not doing anything, we were wondering if you wanted to hang out at our place, we figured you might want to see San Diego, it's a really cool city." Finnick offers.

"Is that okay with you, Katniss?" Peeta asks.

"Yea, that's fine with me, kids do you want to go to-" I start.

"Yea!" they both cheer.

"Cool, so we can drive back tomorrow if that's okay." Says Annie.

"Okay," I say.

"Thank you everyone for coming to the high school reunion, it's been a great night. I hope you all had a good time! Goodnight everyone!" Says the host of the reunion.

Peeta, Katherine, Pete, and I walk with Finnick and Annie who are staying at Annie's old house with her parents. We get to my old house.

"Hey Mom!" I yell.

"Hi everyone! How was the reunion?" Mom asks.

"It was pretty fun, we ran into Finnick and Annie. And everyone else. Finnick and Annie have a son, and they're taking us to San Diego tomorrow." I tell her.

"Sounds fun!" she says excitedly.

"Grandma," Katherine whispers and then cups her hands around my Mom's ears.

"Katherine, what are you telling Grandma?" I ask. She giggles and pretends to seal her lips. "Katherine, do I have to tickle you?"

She laughs more and runs. I catch her in no time. I start tickling her and she's out of breath.

"Okay, okay, okay," she starts. I stop tickling her. "You know Finn?"

"Yes..." I say.

"He's my boyfriend!" she tells me.

"Katherine, you didn't ask me." I say.

"I'm sorry, please, I like him!" She tells me.

"Ugh, okay,"

She cheers.

I walk out with her. Peeta looks at me. "What's her little secret."

"She had a bunch of ice cream at the party." I lie, I'll tell him later.

"Katherine, such an ice cream lover." He says with a smile.

She giggles. "I'm going to go to sleep, I'm so sleepy." she yawns.

"Okay, goodnight sweetie." Peeta says.

"Goodnight Grandma, Goodnight Daddy, Goodnight Mommy." she gives us all a hug.

"What about me?" Pete asks.

"We share a room, I was going to say goodnight to you in there." she tells him.

"Ohhhh." he says and we laugh a little. They both go to bed.

"Goodnight mom," I say as a yawn.

"Goodnight Katniss, Goodnight Peeta." she says and we go in our room.

"Peeta," I start.

"Yes?" he asks.

"Want to know Katherine's real secret?" I say, he nods. "Her and Finn are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"What?" he asks.

"Relax, they're little kids." I say.

"She's my little girl!" he says.

I laugh, "Don't make a big deal."

He sighs. "Goodnight Katniss."

"Goodnight Peeta." he gives me a quick kiss and we fall asleep.

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