Welcome To Buffalo!

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"ladies and gentlemen we are making our final decent into Buffalo, please stow away all portable electronics and place your seat backs in the upright and locked positions, and on behalf of your Chicago based flight crew thank you and have a wonderful day." I obediently do as I'm told, at this point i'm having a mental freak out session because we're almost at our final destination. In all seriousness though I am jumping up and down in my seat like a kangaroo on cocaine, it isn't pretty, Kendall turns and sees what i'm doing so she laughs and starts to smack my arm basically saying stop being weird Lorr you're freaking everyone on the plane out. I settle down and the wheels of the plane finally touch down, we wait for the plane to taxi over to the gate at our terminal and Kendall turns her phone back on so she can call her parents to let them know that we are here, I feel like I am just going to burst on the inside I have needed a chance to get away from all of it a chance to just unwind and relax, I am so thankful that I got a chance to do just that. 

After what seemed like an eternity.. even though it was really only about ten minutes, we finally got to deplane and go to baggage claim to get our stuff. Kendall and I speed-walked down to get our bags...(Little did we know that her parents had gotten there ahead of us and had already grabbed them off the carousel) we were utterly surprised and perplexed to see them sitting on the floor and then all of a sudden being picked up by someone, Kendall laughed once she realized it was her father, then broke out in to a full on sprint to greet him.

"Daddy! I've missed you so much! and i am so happy to be home you don't even know!" Kendall immediately threw herself on to her father causing him to drop the bags in surprise and then of course instinctively return his daughters embrace with one of his own, stroking her hair and squeezing her tight to his body he chuckled softly smiled and said 

"Hey kiddo right back atchya! how was your flight? Boy it sure is great having my baby girl here, it's been way too long since you've been home." it was such a touching moment, I immediately and i suppose rather unintentionally felt a little out of place, like i was intruding on a super personal moment without really meaning too. when they finally broke apart from thier embrace Kendall walked over to me and dragged me over to her father. 

"Daddy this is my roommate and best freind ever, Lorraine, and Lorraine this is my other best friend ever my dad." Kendall made the introductions and I instinctively went to go shake his hand, however her father had other plans in mind, he came in and hugged me. once he finished hugging me he smiled and said "Hi Lorraine well yeah, I'm Kendall's dad but you can call me Max or Mr. Foxwell or hell you know what you can even call me dad if you so choose, we are so glad to have you and Kendall here for the week, it's going to be a blast!"  Smiling at the two of them I picked up my carry on and went to go open the door for Kendall's father who insisted on carrying both of our bags (what a gentleman) and well anything else of ours; it was actually kind of sweet. Kendall's mother was sitting in the passenger seat of their Honda Pilot SUV, I already knew I was going to absolutely love her family and i couldn't wait to get back to her house! 

Fifteen minutes later and we were pulling into their driveway, her father cut the ignition to the car and both Kendall and I jumped out, just as we did so a round rubber ball came flying at me from out of nowhere and drilled me straight in the leg. I yelped in pain, great now i'm going to have a huge welt i thought to myself. not even five seconds later i saw another rubber ball come flying at me from the same direction, this time though i moved out of the way just in time; no way was i going to get hit again.  Kendall walked around to my side of the car and motioned for me to follow her inside, I did as i was told; part of me wanted to find out who the jerk was that hit me but I guess that wasn't in the cards for right now.  Once inside her home her parents showed us up to where we'd be staying, Kendall's room was Huge and absolutely beautiful I was in Awe, we set our stuff down on the floor by the closet and proceeded to unpack. 

When we were finally done unpacking Kendall's mom called up the stairs saying it was time for lunch, Kendall and I ran thundering down the stairs towards the kitchen, I don't think it matters what age you are food is food and running to get it always seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

"Mrs. Foxwell I absolutely love your home its beautiful!" I gushed to Kendall's mother, my mother had always told me to be polite and make a good first impression, so that's what i was going to do damnit. 

"Aww thank you lovely you are too sweet!" Mrs, Foxwell cooed back she smiled and left the kitchen, after Kendall and I finished eating we decided to just go for a stroll around her neighborhood, she wanted to show me and i didn't want to drive plus it was a beautiful day out anyway so why not walk? 

We pulled our hair up into high messy buns and threw on Nike frees, but not just any kind of Nike frees but super bright neon Pink and Lime green custom made Nike frees, I always say go big or go home so of course we went all out designing our shoes; grabbing our purses and throwing on our Ray-Bans, Kendall also remembered her house key just incase her parents decided to play a joke and lock us out, (they liked to prank Kendall from time to time.) we set off on our trek, and boy was I glad we did; because from that moment on, my life would never be the same ever again.

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