Beware of Flying Rubber Balls

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"Hey! Hey! Heads up!" A guy screamed at us, just as another one of those stupid rubber balls flew at us, we both jumped out of the way, but this time I have absolutely had it with projectile objects! it was completely ridiculous and not to mention unnecessary; I had been hit once and since round two had missed me whoever this was thought he should go for three. I turn around and storm off towards him getting ready to give him a piece of my mind, and I totally would have too, but when I got up to the Jerk with the rubber balls and realized who it was well um lets just say; speaking was all of a sudden a skill I had forgotten i knew how to do. " HEY ass hole do you even realize that--" i stopped talking because I had looked up at who it was. Standing there all five feet eleven inches of him with blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes I could ever possibly Imagine was Patrick Kane of the Chicago Blackhawks, and my mind just went blank. It was as if I had lost the will to speak my eyes went wide and my jaw dropped i was sure of it, my knees started going weak and with that I stopped walking towards him turned on my heel and sprinted all the way back to Kendall grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in the complete opposite direction as fast at my legs could carry the two of us. 

Patrick was left standing there just shaking his head with a look on his face that resembled one of amusement smiling to himself he turned and went back into his yard and continued practicing hockey shots as if nothing had happened at all. 

Once Kendall and I were as far from Patrick as humanly possible I finally stopped sprinting, turned and faced Kendall but before I could even open my mouth to say anything Kendall wrenched her arm free of my grip and started laughing at me, once she settled down she opened her mouth and spoke. 

"Ah met the neighbors I see, yes I know who you saw and yes I know who it is, and before you say anything I knew the Kane's lived near us but by the time I had actually moved into the house he had already left to go play hockey elsewhere so really he wasn't around all that much." 

I was still trying to process everything Kendall had just told me, it was all still sinking In when Kendall noticed that Patrick was actually walking towards us; she smiled and waved at him and he gave her the i'm pretty cool and super important can't talk to you head nod, but he stopped walking when he got up to us and flashed the two of us an award winning smile... I wanted to run away to like Brazil or something let alone be standing in the same square inch of space as my athlete crush. Thank the lord for Kendall because she opened her mouth first and spoke to him so I didn't have to make a fool of my self for the second time in less then an hour. 

"Hey Patrick, I see you've met my friend Lorraine, you see she doesn't go out much and when we over stimulate her; I can't guarentee that she'll behave like a normal person anymore. I'm sorry." if looks could kill the one I gave her would have stopped her heart in an instant luckily only Kendall noticed my look and that was fine because when Patrick spoke this time he directed what he was going to say at me instead of her. 

"Well Hi Lorraine, look i wanted to appologzie about earlier. I think i might of hit you with one of my practice slapshots, and well for the two other times I almost took out your legs. I didn't mean too and if neither one of you mind I'd like to take the two of you out sometime while you're here and just well; um you know hang out?"  I could have died of happiness right then and there on the spot, i probably would have if it had just been me standing there, I swear its like Kendall and I are twins because without hesitation or even a second thought we both responded in Unison, "We'd love too!" the smile that errupted on all three of our faces was priceless.

"Well great! Kendall I'll come by your house later today and we can figure out what day and time, and what you girls would wanna do. It was nice meeting you Lorraine, and sorry again about almost taking your legs out! I'll see you two later, bye!" and with that he turned and started walking back to his house, by that point Kendall and I were doing a silent happy dance in the street; I'm pretty sure he turned around briefly and saw it but oh well. On that note we took of sprinting the remainder of the two houses back to Kendall's panting out of breath and unbelievably happy we came bursting through the back door yelling and screaming as if the Blackhawks had just won the Stanley cup (which they had just done three weeks prior) Kendall's parents came bursting out of the Kitchen alarmed by our sudden outburst so we settled down. Once we were calm enough to explain we did just that. 

"Mom Dad! you'll never guess what just happened, I mean its really flippin cool... Okay so remember How the Kane's are our neighboors...well we bumped into Patrick! and he wants to hang out with Lorraine and I! How cool is that?!?!" I've seriously never seen Kendall this excited I mean i know usually she's all calm cool and collected about everything, but hey its not every day your famous and extremely attractive nextdoor neighbor asks you to hang out. Kendall's dad responded because I think her mom was still in shock.

"Well Kiddo that's absolutely wonderful! i hope you three have a good time and I'm sure that whatever you all end up doing will be interesting and a new experience." Kendall's dad certainly seemed to be the more rational of the two, I can totally see where Kendall get's it from now. Kendall's mom however was still having problems finding her voice so she just sat there speechless and dumbfounded, so that was that, we were going to be hanging out with THE Patrick Kane; something like that only happened in the movies but with the luck I had been having recently I was completely okay with my life seeming like a movie, even if it was only going to be for one week. 

Three hours passed and that's when we heard it, a knock on Kendall's front door the two of us jumped up from her couch in the living room and started screaming we got it we got it, we both had a feeling we knew who it was. Our feeling was right because there was Patrick we flung the door open and pulled him inside. I don't think he was expecting it because we almost knocked him over we pulled so hard, then we proceeded to drag him through the house and out to Kendall's back yard, we decided to sit outside and enjoy the rest of the day. Once we were finally outback, we stopped trying to rip his arms out of his sockets which I think he greatly appreciated. Patrick was the first one to speak of the three of us after a brief awkward pause, he cleared his throat and finally spoke. 

"So uh hey, I was thinking that maybe if you guys wanted we could go up to up to Niagara Falls and just spend the day outside, you know just chilling?" It was so cute how nervous he seemed to ask us what we wanted to do, Kendall and I looked at each other, this time I spoke, I had to redeem myself for earlier today. My voice was a little shaky at first but soon found its strength when i said. 

"N-n-n-iagara Falls, actually that sounds like a great Idea. I enjoy being outside as much as possible in the summer time, we'd love to go Patrick." a look of relief washed over both Patrick and myself, He stayed over for about another twenty minutes after we had decided on our plan of action for the following days, once he realized how late it was getting... and by late I mean it was dinner time and I don't think he felt comfortable staying over for dinner, he got up and excused himself. Kendall and I walked him to the door, waving goodbye to him as he went down the front walk and strolled back over to his house. 

We closed the door, and this time we went ballistic! we would be going to Niagara Falls with the Patrick Kane, nothing was going to ruin this for me and her absolutely nothing. 

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