That Chicago Grind

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I was convinced of two things, one: I was with out a doubt insanely attracted to a professional hockey player, and two: because I was insanely attracted to this said hockey player I was loosing my freaking mind not being around him. So I did what any normal 23 year old girl would do, I went and took a yoga class. Conveniently I lived only about two blocks away from the yoga studio that my class was at so it was a fairly short walk and it gave me plenty of time to last minute add myself to the class. I needed to distract myself from the fact that it was the off season and Patrick wouldn't be back in Chicago until the Blackhawks convention, and then for training camp. How was I going to survive this? a lot of cardio and yoga let me tell ya; after my class I decided that I needed to go talk to my parents about what they thought of my whole situation, so I took a quick shower and walked over to ogilvee and boarded the next UP West line train out to the burbs, Once the Wheaton Stop came up I got off and called my mom. But like usual she didn't answer the phone. Typical I thought to myself; looks like I'm walking...did I mention that  A LOT of cardio was going to help me get over not seeing Patrick? I was just about to start crossing the street when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

" You don't call? You Don't write? it's like we aren't even friends anymore!" I couldn't help but laugh to myself, of course how could I have forgotten, my dad commutes to the city and back. I had been on the same train as him and I hadn't even thought to call my dad for a ride! 

"Aw daddy, I'm sorry! I forgot that since it's a Wednesday you commute to the city today, it was a last minute decision to come out and visit you and mom. I'll remember next time I come out to call you first. I Promise!" 

"Yeah yeah excuses excuses, I'll remember this when your birthday rolls around." he couldn't help but laugh as he said this. I couldn't help but laugh too as I reached over and smacked his arm shaking my head as I fired my comeback at him 

"Well if I recall your birthday was maybe two weeks ago... Don't make me return your gift, because I so will you know it too dontchya old maaann."  

Of course we both couldn't help it at this point we were both laughing hysterically, I was doubled over and clutching my stomach because I had been laughing so damn hard. My dad and I have one of the most sarcastic and joking relationships ever, but I wouldn't change a thing; I absolutely love my dad he is without a single doubt in my mind the best friend I've ever had. We linked arms and crossed the street together, once we got to our church parking lot i climbed into the passenger seat of my dad's truck once the door was unlocked. I couldn't help but smile as I thought back to a mere week ago when I was sitting shot gun in someone elses' truck in Buffalo New York.

Sensing what was going through my mind my dad was on me pretty quick, demanding details and trying to get me to spill. I however was tight lipped I blatantly refused to say anything until we were at home and mom was present, lets be honest we both knew that she'd kill us if she missed out on hearing about my vacation first hand. Once we finally got home we walked in the door and immediately I was bombarded with puppy kisses from our two dogs Maci and Tazer (Yes he is named after Jonathan Toews of the blackhawks). I gave them people kisses back and then proceeded to find my mother, once we were all sitting down at our kitchen counter I told them the whole story from start to finish, even the silly little details that clearly no one wants to hear. Yeah those details; well i told them cause I could, once I was finally done my parents were just sitting there speechless. it had been a good fifteen minutes since I had finished telling my story and they were still dumbstruck so I started snapping my fingers In their faces trying to break them from their trance. I was starting to worry because it seemed like nothing could snap them out of it, when all of a sudden my phone went off because low and behold Patrick himself had texted me...and my parents just completely lost it. 

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