Lord Stanley I Presume?

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It's been about two days since Kendall and I went to the falls with Patrick. I still can't believe how much fun that day was, or that I got to meet him, this was turning out to be the best vacation ever! There was something though that had happened but I decided not to tell Kendall, knowing my luck it was probably nothing and for that reason alone there was nothing to tell; but before Patrick dropped us off, he asked me for my number. I of course gave it to him, Secretly I was hoping he would call me or text me. I mean I know that in reality he probably wouldn't but still a girl could dream right? So when I rolled over in bed to the sound of my cell phone going off I swear my heart almost stopped when an unknown number was showing up on my caller ID. 

I picked the phone up on it up on the second ring, I was hesitant but I decided that this summer would be the summer of risks. I cleared my throat as I got out of bed and answered the phone 

"Hello?" I most certainly was not expecting it to be Patrick on the other side, I almost dropped my phone in pure shock.

"Hey Lorraine it's Patrick, Sorry it's taken me a couple of days to reach out to you; I guess I just didn't want to look like a creep. Well anyways, Since it's my next few day's with the Stanley Cup; um well I was wondering if you and Kendall would like to come over for a get together with all of my childhood friends and even some of my family."  I know he couldn't see it but I was smiling on my end of the line; I pretended to have to think about his offer for a little before answering. I laughed a bit as I finally answered his question with him waiting patiently on the other end. 

"After careful deliberation and thought... Kendall and I have decided that we would absolutely love to come to your Stanley Cup party, on one condition though." Patrick chuckled as he replied, 

"Well what may I ask is that condition?"

I had a mischievous grin on my face, but its not like he could see it so that made my answer even better. 

"I get to drink beer from the Cup, that my good sir is the one condition." 

I thought maybe Patrick had hung the phone up after I told him my condition, but then I realized he had dropped it whether it was out of shock or because he was laughing so hard, regardless he was finally speaking. 

"I suppose that can be arranged. So I'll see you guys tomorrow then?" I did a little happy dance and then answered his question. 

"UHM of course you'll see us tomorrow! thanks for calling Patrick, I gotta go though bye!" 

Patrick said goodbye as well and I disconnected the call, I had been outside in Kendall's backyard for about a good fifteen minutes since I had left our room to go talk to Patrick; (I obviosly didn't want to wake her up, since I didn't have a death wish). So by this point she had come out to join me and heard pretty much all of our conversation. I mean this when I say that the look on her face was absolutely priceless! I mean for real I don't think I have ever seen her look at me with such excitement and anger but joy all at the same time; I'm also positive that she will never be able to replicate this face ever again, even if she wanted too. 

"UHM EXCUSE ME WOMAN, But you DID NOT tell me that You had Patrick Kane's number!" Kendall proceeded to leap like a flying squirrel across her patio and tackle me. 

"Good god woman when the hell did you become a freaking defensive tackle, Yes I have his number! now for the love of all things good and holy in this world...GET THE HECK OFF OF ME!" I started squirming and pushing at her trying to get her off of me, unfortunately she sat on me for a few more minutes; It was when we heard someone clearing their throat behind us, she then decided it was time to get off of me. 

"Do you two need a minute because I can come back... I mean I only live down the street so.." 

it was Patrick. Oh wow this is awkward..

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