Did That Just Happen?

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I opened my eyes the following morning, or maybe it was afternoon either way I immediately shut them again; it was too bright and everything hurt. Kendall's mom came into our room with gallons of water and i'm pretty sure two bottles of Advil (I know I would be using at least a whole bottle today) a valiant effort to help us combat our hangovers. I was so surprised that I had actually drank that much. I'm not exactly the biggest partyer, but hey when in Rome right? Kendall and I spent practically the entire morning in bed, moving hurt us too much; I was just about to throw in the towel and call the day a bust when Kendall's mom came into the room, the woman was moving like a bat outta hell! I seriously have never seen her move this fast the entire time I've been in Buffalo. I couldn't help but laugh as she excitedly started jabbering and grabbing the covers off our beds I already knew why she was so worked up but I let her tell me anyway.

"Girls you have to get up! Patrick Kane is in our front hall! Kendall Lorraine get up!"

Kendall wasn't moving but I forced myself to get up, and fight the urge to vomit profusely. I threw on ripped jean shorts and a Blackhawks tee sunglasses and black flip flops, my hair was up in a really messy bun and I was clutching my bottle of Advil and a bottle of Gatorade. Oh dear god please don't let me throw up on Patrick I'd be mortified if that happened. I made my way downstairs, once I reached the landing Patrick broke out into a huge smile, I was just as happy to see him. Cautiously I left the comfort and safety of the landing, grabbed Patrick's hand and led him outside, If I was going to throw up, it might as well be in the bushes rather then in the front hallway of Kendall's house. I.. no wait correction, WE made it outside and luckily I didn't loose the contents of my stomach, I went and sat down on the front steps naturally Patrick followed suit. There was a silence but it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, it was a natural and comforting silence. I was perfectly content just sitting there, not saying a word eventually the quiet would break I for one wasn't in any hurry. Patrick and I sat like this for maybe fifteen minutes before he decided to open that beautiful mouth of his. I had been spacing out so when I realized he was trying to break me out of my trance, I jumped a little.

"oh shit sorry you were saying something?" I had to ask because I didn't mean to ignore him and I felt bad that I was.

"as I was saying...I wanted to apologize for how Amanda was acting, it wasn't cool and there was no reason for her to treat you and Kendall the way that she did, I really hope that she didn't offend you or hurt your feelings. I really care about you and our friendship please let me know if I can make it up to you in anyway."

Well there I guess I got my answer to my unspoken question, we were friends; and as much as I wished that maybe we could of been more then friends as of now friends is all that we would be. I smiled to myself before answering his rhetorical statement.

"I mean I guess you could go get ice cream with me, I think that would do the trick. Oh and maybe throw in hockey tickets...that would make you my best friend ever."

Patrick shot me a mock dirty look before laughing along with me standing up and pulling me along with him towards his car, I guess that this was his way of saying yes to the ice cream. I hopped into the passenger seat of his Tahoe and we left. I made the executive decision that since I was sitting shotgun I would control the radio, of course the radio wars ensued I would win and deep down I think Patrick realized it. He was laughing and shaking his head we pulled into the cold stone parking lot, we got out of the vehicle I promptly ran and jumped on his back yelling catch me! Its a good thing he caught me otherwise that would of ended up really badly. It felt like time flew by because two hours later we were going back to Kendall's house, I don't know what was coming over me but I wanted to be bold and do something crazy and wild, more importantly I wanted to do it with Patrick. I decided to just go for it, if he didn't want to talk to me after this then fine, but I just needed to know I had to feel the sparks, the butterflies. I saw the opportunity and I took it, Patrick was looking me dead in the eye it was almost as if it was a mutual unspoken agreement because we both leaned in; as we did the sparks flew and our lips met, it was a good minute before we finally parted. I smiled at him and he smiled at me, we kissed again this time more passionately, once we broke away from each other again. I left his Tahoe and went inside smiling to myself. I pinched myself it hurt so it wasn't an elaborate dream, it was real it really happened Patrick Kane and I kissed.

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