Love Triangle Anyone?

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"Patrick.. we NEED to talk." 

My heart started racing, and my mind just went blank, I never should of provoked her into going swimming in her underwear, I never should of done any of this, the kisses in Buffalo, the Making out here. Damn it I've messed up, now she's going to tell me that we've gone to far, I have a girlfriend this isn't right, she isn't a puck slut. Oh god what have I done? I knew I had to do or say something before she could tell me that this was all one giant mistake, so I did the only thing I could think of...

I confessed everything to her right on the spot.

"Lorraine, wait, don't say anything more. I just need to first say, I am so so so sorry that I've been making myself out to look like a complete and total Asshat. but I don't regret any of this, the hanging out and kissing in Buffalo, flying down here and doing any of this with you. It has been some of the Greatest memories that I have made this summer, and that's saying something because Chicago just won the Stanley Cup. You're beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, sarcastic--and slightly crazy; but Its awesome, I love it. Lorraine you're keeping me on my toes something that rarely ever happens. I know you're probably thinking but Patrick you have a GIRLFRIEND--and I am aware of that i do; and this hasn't been totally honest of me, or well of either of us I suppose. I realize that this is going to complicate our lives and the probability of it causing a about a 9/10. I guess what I am really and truly trying to say is, you're one hell of a young woman and I really would like to see where this goes. Now I don't mean some side woman shit, I wanna see if we can build our friendship; I know there I go sounding like a typical asshat guy again. I just well its-- I am not really sure where all of this might go and I guess I just really want to enjoy the Ride while we can." 

Silence, that's what I got after my confession. She was dead silent Lorraine just stood there staring at me with her beautiful blue green grey eyes. I was beginning to think that maybe I just shouldn't have said anything at all--that I should of just let her initiate the conversation, the silence was deafening. All I wanted was for her to open her mouth and say something, to say absolutely anything. Just when I thought she wasn't going to acknowledge my mass amounts of word vomit; she finally opened her mouth maybe to try and work through what I had just confessed to her, or maybe just to call me an asshole and leave me standing there, I just really wanted her to say what was on her mind. 

"Wait, Let me get this straight. You aren't saying if you're going to leave your girlfriend or not, but you're saying you've enjoyed whatever "this is". You want to keep building our "friendship" but yet I'm not a "side woman." Because from where I stand, this sounds exactly like the role of side bitch. And to be quite frank, I DO NOT DO the whole "other woman thing" it's tacky, and inconsiderate, not to mention wrong. I am not going to get involved in some weird and strange fucked up love triangle, because no body wins in a love triangle, What the actual hell is going on in your head Patrick-- WHY would you confess stuff like that when there isn't really any kind of plan or explanation. What the actual---"  

I cut her off by just pressing my lips to hers, I don't know what had posessed me to do it. I just needed to feel the fluttering sensation in my stomach that came with kissing Lorraine DuPont. If she was mad at me or frustrated with me in any way; in that moment it had vanished because her body became less tense as she deepened the kiss. Lorraine indulged me with more kisses she put her arms around my neck, as my hands moved to her waist. I guess that meant our conversation was over, or at least the revealing truths behind our conversation. I finally pulled away from her long enough to implore her with not only my choice of words but my expression as I asked her for the first and what I had hoped would be the last time. 

"Trust me Lorraine, take this ride with me, I know it'll be totally worth it." 

and Just like that Lorraine Cecelia DuPont, the girl who had prided herself on never being involved in love triangles or being accused of breaking up relationships, shook her head slightly before smiling and replying with as much confidence as she could muster. 

" Love Triangles Anyone?" 

And then just like that, she put the rest of her clothes on and walked back up to her condo, Leaving me standing there looking just as confused and disgruntled as I'm sure she felt. 

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