Bee Bi Bo

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Lance P.O.V

"So, yeah... they kicked me out and I moved out and that's where I met Hunk. He is so supportive. And Now i'm here not in that trashed house with trashy parents... so know that even if it doesn't go well... there are people out there who do care and will help. So don't- don't give up," Lance was choking back tears, he never wanted to tell this story, but it was important to some kids, so he had to.

The boy from the limo stood below him, "Thank you... so much."

Lance nodded, "yeah"

Hunk did a fake chuckle, "Okay guys its time for us to go! See us again after the show or tomorrow! We'll be signing pictures and everything starting at 10 a.m.!

He took Lance's hand and hurried him backstage, where Lance sat in a chair and silently cried. Hunk patted his back telling him he'd be okay. When really, Lance just wanted some rest.

"Lets just give Pidge our Shirts back and leave for now okay?"

Hunk nodded, "Whatever you need buddy..."

Shiro P.O.V

Allura had her hand on Shiro's shoulder, "Oh gosh... I'll call Coran, Keith will need to have some time alone."

Shiro nodded, he agreed, he knew Keith had expected a normal, happy, coming out story, but that wasn't at all what he had gotten. Nobody had gotten.

Shiro walked over to Keith who was walking towards him, "Come on kiddo, lets get back to your place."

Keith just nodded, but before they could get to the car, a younger girl she seemed to be about fourteen to sixteen came crashing through the crowd and poked Keith on the shoulder, she was gasping for breath, "Can we," She inhaled,"have you on the show tomorrow?"

Shiro was shocked,he scooted Keith out of the way, "Ma'am you can't just ask him to-"

Keith interrupted him, "I know you act like it but you aren't my dad, I can make my own choices... whats it for?"

The girl let out a sigh of relief, "Lance and Hunk are taking pictures with the people who asked him questions, and I just had to get you on there! Anyway come at seven a.m. tomorrow, just tell the desk lady that Pidge told you to come here. She'll be too scared to even ask me if I did.

Shiro watched as the girl-Pidge ran back to a small girl and talked to her

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Shiro watched as the girl-Pidge ran back to a small girl and talked to her. He looked back to Keith, who was walking back to the limo with Allura. Shiro walked back to the limo and didn't talk to Keith for the rest of the day. Not because he was mad. But because Keith was in his room all day.

Shiro put his ear to the door and heard Lance's voice. Keith had been watching his videos. Shiro sighed and went back to the living room to talk to Allura, who was eating a salad and watching The Voice.

He sat next to her, "I really do feel like his dad sometimes... even online."

Allura sighed, "We can be his parents together okay?"

Shiro smiled at her, "Okay... thank you."

Keith P.O.V

I made my idol cry... I made him cry... I made him cry, the words spread through his brain, sliding themselves into every crevasse until he broke. He dropped his phone onto his lap and put his face into his hands.

This had been his opportunity, he ruined it. Lance looked at Keith's new vlog, it was of him meeting Allura before she had come to his place. It was because she was rich. Rich people get everything they want.

Keith grew up poor, living with his dad in the middle of a desert in Texas. His mom had left when he was little and his dad had little money for the rest of his life. One day, when Keith was fourteen, his dad went missing. He never came back.

Keith lived in poverty for the rest of his life until he ran into a man and made good friends with him. He was elderly, and growing old. When he died, he put all of his money on his will to Keith. Keith was shocked, he had a large family full of loving people.

Why did the man pick him?

Keith later found out it wasn't a very loving family after all. That's when he learned that not all people are what they look like. A person can be the happiest person you've ever known, while on the inside they suffer more than anyone else.

And now he was going to take a picture with them. He was just trying to one up Shiro and now he was going to humiliate himself once again. He sighed, Lance probably hated him, and they'd only talked once.

Pidge P.O.V

After she had asked all the kids who asked questions if they would come (16/20 said they would) She ran to the backstage to see Hunk heading Lance out the door. She quickly ran and jumped in front of them both, panting.

"Where... where do you think you're going?"

Hunk looked confused and turned red, he always did that, Pidge had no idea why. Pidge looked at Lance, whose eyes were red and puffy. Pidge sighed.

"I understand that last question got to you, Lance." She put a hand on his shoulder, which wasn't easy to do since she was so short, "But you're gonna have to take pictures with sixteen kids tomorrow, including the kid who asked you the last question. So just get some sleep."

Pidge waved to Hunk and Lance before she walked further backstage. She noticed Lance had whispered something to Hunk and Hunk had slapped his hand. Pidge shrugged it off and saw that the kids she hired were there. The triplets.

They had God awful names, their mother must've been on something when she named them, but Pidge went with it.

"Bee go clean the stage!"

"Bi go clean the dressing rooms!"

"Bo did you get Sally out of the-"

The little boy scurried away into the opposite direction.

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