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Keith felt something lick his cheek, "What the actual shit?" He mumbled blinking his eyes. He rolled so he was looking up and saw that stupid dog. Blondie. He pushed its face away and turned his head to see Lance there. The dog started licking his face again. "Go away!" He said pushing it away. 

It was no use, it kept coming back. "Lance your dog is a quiznacking demon!" He screeched as the thing tried to bite his ear. Lance groaned and looked at the dog, who Keith was now in Keith's hands that were pushed away from his face. "Its possessed."

Lance chuckled and put the dog in a dog cage next to the bed, leaning down to close it. Keith huffed and flopped over, to face the wall. "Why'd you even get that?" Lance gasped, Keith could tell he was making some really dramatic face.

"Blondie is the best do-" The dog interrupted him by barking. And again. And again. And again. And- "OH MY ACTUAL SHIT!" Keith screamed. The door opened and a panicked/tired Pidge budged the door open. "OH MY ACTUAL SHIT, KEITH STOP SCREAMING! SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SLEEP, YA KNOW!" And then she shut it.

Keith was practically pulling all his hair out, "Isn't there anything you can do??" Lance shrugged, "Pidge will probably scream if you go back to your guy's room so I wouldn't...Pidge is quiznacking scary." Keith groaned into his pillow and tried to fall asleep, it didn't work, at all.


"Good morning," Keith mumbled as he saw Lance trudge into the kitchen. Allura was eating breakfast with Pidge, Hunk and Shiro and Keith was by the coffee maker. He looked like shit. Lance looked at the mug in Keith's hand. "How many cups of coffee have you had?" Keith poured more coffee in his mug, "This is my sixth cup." He mumbled reluctantly. Lance grabbed the mug before Keith could have another sip and drank it, himself. "You're going to die." Keith shrugged, he really wouldn't mind. 

Lance washed out the cup and got a plate of food. "Stop acting like Shiro, you don't wanna die that bad, do you? You wouldn't waste the once in a life time chance to date Lance Mclain, would you?" Lance asked, kissing Keith's cheek before sitting down next to Pidge. "You are so gross, Lance." Pidge grumbled, scooting away from Lance, a disgusted look on her face.

"You're dating Hunk! Why can't I date Keith in piece!" Pidge stuck out her tongue. "Get a room." Lance threw his arms in the air, "What must one do to please the almighty Pidgeon?" Lance smirked as Pidge glared at him. 

Allura took a sip of her coffee, "We're leaving for West Virginia, today. Then we'll drop off Keith in Texas, I'll drive Shiro and Keith to the airport. They'll get on different planes. Pidge gets Lance and Hunk back to Cuba before going back to New York. Is that correct?" Lance's heart sunk at the realization they'd all be back in their countries by the next day.

"Yeah..." Lance mumbled putting his hands on his chin. Keith sat next to Shiro, he looked sad, and he nodded. "Yep, a lot of driving huh?" The room went silent. "Well," Allura said, putting on a fake smile, "Lets get packed!"

-2 hours-

"Pidge! Hurry up!" Pidge held was being dragged out the door by Keith and Allura. "I don't wanna leave the WIFI though! No!" She wasn't going to have WIFI for hours, the thought was terrifying. Keith tapped Hunk's shoulder so he could grab Pidge since he was stronger. Hunk picked her up like she was as light as a toddler and put her on his shoulders.

Pidge huffed and stared out the window as Hunk got her off his shoulders so she could get in that stupid van. Hunk sat next to her and he held her hand as Shiro started the car. She sighed and smiled at him and he smiled back. She didn't want to leave him. Even if they could face time or text. She scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder. She could enjoy their time while they had it.

-1 hour-

Keith sniffed the air. What the fuck. He turned his head. Lance. It was Lance and the dog. Lance's face was turning red and he had a panicked expression and was tapping Allura's  shoulder through the small space between the seats in front of them.

Allura turned her head, "Yes, Lance?" Allura sniffed the air, "Did the dog-" Lance nodded furiously and Allura told Shiro to stop at a gas station. Shiro unlocked the doors and sighed as Lance grabbed Keith's arm and told him the "plan."

"Okay Keith, you distract the cashier so he doesn't notice Lance looked like he just peed his pants, when actually, the dog did. Keith put his elbow on the table, and summoned his country accent. He had prepared for this day all of his life.

"You come ere' often?" Keith mumbled, looking away like he was some "wise man" from a really crappy movie. The man at the counter glared at him like he was stupid. He had a "make america great again" hat on. Great. He had the stereotypical i-just-want-to-die-already voice. Kind of like Shiro when he met this kid named Slav. 

"Uh yeah? I work here?" He whined like he was asking a question, "Are you gonna-like- buy something?" Keith shook his head and ran out the door after he noticed Lance had come out of the bathroom. 

"Have you learned not to pet the dog in the car?" Keith smirked, walking out the door with Lance. Lance smiled, "I will never cease to pet a dog as long as I live Keith Kogane." Keith smirked and blushed as Lance grabbed his hand.

Pidge sent him finger-guns, and Keith glared at her, rushing into the car. 

","Shiro mumbled, "Lets go!" He said swinging his arm to the right and almost elbowing Allura in the nose.

"Kay' Dad." Pidge mumbled giving him a thumbs up.

A/N: Ahoy people! There are going to be five more chapters (at most!) And i'm going to try my best not to disappoint you!

(You have been blessed)

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(You have been blessed)

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