She's Back Bitches

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Emily's POV

I woke early the next morning to the sound of my alarm. 6:30 a.m. I walked downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee, I found a note on the counter that read "Emily, sorry honey I didn't say goodbye this morning, I had to leave super early to get back to work. Have a great first day back sweetie!" Awesome. I walked back upstairs with my coffee in hand, I decided to play a little music while I get ready. I played 'Out Ta Get Me' by Guns N' Roses. I laid my clothes out for the day and carried on with my routine. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and brushed my long tangled hair. I couldn't decide on whether I should straighten or curl it. So I straightened it and slightly curled the ends to give it a little something. I sat down in front of my vanity and started on my makeup. As usual I done a smokey eye and dark lip. I went over to my bed where my clothes lay and slipped on some black shorts and a yellow Led-Zeppelin shirt on. I grabbed some socks and laced up my black combat boots. 

(I was inspired by this outfit😏)

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(I was inspired by this outfit😏)

  I grabbed my book bag and slung a strap over my shoulder. I grabbed some money that my mom had left me and a knife, I always carried a knife with me, I mean it's for my protection so why not? I grabbed me keys and went out the door. I decided I'd walk since school was only about 10 minutes away from my house. On the way I started to hum to myself 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' by The Clash, obviously cause I was debating on actually going.

  I got to the front doors and I instantly heard music and thought to myself "what the fuck is going on?" I wasn't afraid to come back, I wasn't excited, I didn't care. I had my usual resting bitch face on as I strutted into school. I then heard the music that was coming on the radio that some kids were listening to. It began to play 'Bad to the Bone'. How original that this song place as I walk in the doors. "Well here goes nothing" I whispered to myself as I opened the doors to the school. Instantly everyone's heads turn and look at me.

  I stopped for a second taking in all these scared looks and smirked as I strutted to the front office to get my schedule. School had been in for a couple months, but since I'm just getting back after being away for a year I needed my shit. I got my shit and went looked for my locker. I threw a few things in there and kept the necessary things I needed for my first class. Math, ew really first thing in the morning? Great. Everyone was either silent and staring at me or whispering about me. Not that I gave a shit, they weren't going to say anything to me. I'm not a shy girl who hides in the hallways. I strut confidently with my bitch face on making sure people see me. I didn't try to get their attention, I'm just making sure they move the fuck out of my way because I have a low tolerance for idiots.

  I heard the bell ring and I shut my locker and yes, strutted to my math class. When I got there most of the students were already in there, I recognized faces. Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Richie Tozier. A few of the so called 'Losers Club'. They looked terrified, I never bullied them, I wasn't a bully, if anything I stood up for the ones who were bullied... occasionally. I minded my own business pretty much. I looked around as I felt everyone's frightened stares, even the teacher had a scared look and went out the classroom to who knows where. I see three boys in the back, 'Bowers Gang'. I never had a problem with them. I've never really spoke to them either. I saw a table that no one sitting at in the back– across from the Bowers gang, I took a seat and got out a pen and notebook. I waited for the rest of the class to come in and for the teacher to come back to begin class.

  I look up and literally everyone was staring at me with jaws dropped, but quickly turned around when they saw I noticed, all except for the Bowers gang boys. Across from me was Patrick Hockstetter and Henry Bowers, sitting by himself at the table in front of them was Victor Criss. They were still staring in almost disbelief. I gave them a half smile and it snapped them out of their thoughts and they all turn led away and continued talking about some fat kid named Ben whom they were 'gonna cut his tits off'. I rolled my eyes and started to scribble in my notebook. When I heard her annoying as fuck voice. Gretta. Ugh. I glanced up to see her ugly ogre looking ass and her friend Sally walking in. I went back to my own thing, my hair basically covering my face when she walked right up to me. "Hey! Who the fuck do you think you are sitting in my seat you redheaded whore?!" I flipped my hair out of my face and looked up at her with a 'I don't give a shit' look. "What did you say?" I said in a bitchy tone. She then realized who I was and even she got scared. Everyone's eyes were back on us. She tried to be snarky by saying "you're in my seat bitch." And Sally rolled her eyes at me. But I shut her down quick "I don't see your name on it Shrek, neither yours Fiona." I shot back at the two. I heard snickering from across throughout the room. "So you wanna play like that huh slut?" She said trying to intimidate me. "I stood up clenching my fist getting ready to knock her lights out and said "try me" she stepped back in fear and turned around and sat at empty seat in the front along with Sally. That should take care of her for today at least.

Then I heard someone say "oh shit, Gretta has finally met her match, she's scared of Emily!" It was Henry, "yeah now that she's back Gretta is afraid to do anything, she thought she could be the new badass while Emily was gone" Victor said back to him. "She back, and she means business, no one can be a bad bitch like her, not even ogre face." I giggle cause they used my name for her. I sat down, but not before I caught a glimpse at how embarrassed Gretta was. That'll teach her to not mess with me, especially when I just got back.

  The teacher still hadn't returned and there were about 30 minutes of class left. I was getting really thirsty so I decided was going to go get something to drink. I stood up and walked to the front of the class, I heard someone say "where's she going?" I turned my head to see it was Henry Bowers that said it. I simply said in my casual, everyone thinks I'm being a bitch, voice "I'm thirsty" "well huh okay then" he laughed. I walked out and went to the pop machine in one of the hallways. "Now if I can remember, yeah just- like- this!" I kicked the machine a couple times and wallah, a soda rolled out. "Just like I remembered" I smiled to myself and drunk my soda back to class.

  I opened the door, threw my now empty can in the trash and pulled out a cigarette from my pocket. "You can't smoke in here!" Gretta said with her snide remark, her and Sally has took the opportunity while I was out to take my seat. "Watch me", everyone's eyes were on me, I looked back to see Patrick fiddling with his lighter talking to Henry and Vic. I walked back there and kinda bent down over the desk looking at him. "Can I have a light?" I smirked at him, he looked at me with his jaw dropped practically and flicked his lighter open lighting my cigarette, I took a drag off and blew it out in his direction, "thanks" I said softly and smiled, he smirked at me and I winked as I stood back up straight.

  I stared at Shrek and Fiona in my seat. "you can't smoke in here" she snarled "oops" I said sarcastically and flicked my ashes on her, "what the hell you psychopath?!" She yelled, "sociopath" I simply said "what?" She looked at me "if you're going to insult me at least get it right, sociopath, not psychopath" at this point I could tell her blood was boiling and I was having so much fun watching this bitch get her panties in a twist. "Ugh! You're even crazier than Hockstetter!" He was laughing but his face quickly when dark and he stared at her with a death wish. "Awe thanks! He learnt from the best!" I replied pointing to myself, and I heard him laugh from behind me because I took up for him.

  Gretta stood up and acted like was going to do something. I took a drag off my cigarette and looked at her "your shoe's untied" I said to her "huh?" She said, "wasn't I clear dumbass? YOUR, SHOE, IS UNTIED." I stated loud and clear for her. "Why you little-" I cut her off "want me to tie it?" She stood there in shock for minute then sat down and propped her foot on my leg smirking like she'd won. "Wrong move." I said and put my cigarette out on her shoe burning a hole through it. "Oh my god!" She shrieked. She started to get up, but her foot was still on my leg. I grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her clear out from the seat, her head hitting it on the way down. At this point everyone was laughing at her, she ran out of the classroom with Sally following right behind.

  I sat in my chair a smirked to myself listening to everyone giggle, and I waited for the bell to ring to get out of this class.


A/N– okay, okay, tell me what you guys thought of this chapter. What do you think of Emily so far? Quite the badass huh? I know it's getting a slow start but wait they'll be more of Patrick in it soon, I promise.

Thank you all so much for reading, I hope you're enjoying it!

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