A/n...more like rant

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Sooooo I'm like extremely pissed and so upset. I got a new phone, yay me. And you know I just took everything from my old phone and put it on the new one, all well and good. Buuuuuut my Apple ID deleted all my important shit. Now I thought well that's okay, cause iCloud right? IT FUCKING DELETED IT OFF ICLOUD! I have tried every fucking thing to get it back. Like I have my photos and shit. But my notes are gone. It had everything I needed on there. I tried to restore files... it says there's no files to be restored. WHAT THE FUCK?! And now I'm just so fucked up idk what to do. Also, I needed someone to rant to, because I don't have friends anymore. They're too good for me, just because I won't go out and get drunk off my ass. So I thought who better to rant to than all of my readers? Have you ever just been so upset and fucking UGGHHHHH, that UGH is the only thing you can get out? Literally my life right now. Anyways, thanks for listening to my petty ass rant, I guess they're just lost, ily guys😪🖤

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