Leave Me Alone

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Emily's POV

  I woke up the next morning before to the sound of rain and thunder. I looked at the time, 20 minutes before my alarm goes off. Great. Well I might as well stay up. I went downstairs to make a cup of coffee, I came back to my room and sat and watched the rain until I had finished my coffee. By then my alarm went off. So I sat down at my vanity and done my makeup. Since it was raining I put my hair in a high ponytail and let it flow down my back. I picked my outfit out.

(Thank you Pinterest 😂🤘🏻)

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(Thank you Pinterest 😂🤘🏻)

I grabbed an umbrella and my backpack and started walking to school. I lit up a cigarette on the way there, and had finished it my the time I got to school. I walked up the step and threw the door. I made my way to my locker passing the gang on the way. I made sure not to make eye contrite Patrick. I'll admit I was still mad. I smiled at the rest of the boys and went on to my locker.

As I was getting my stuff for math, the boys walk up behind me. "So you're not gonna hang with us? I mean you are part of the gang now." Henry said leaning against the lockers beside me. "I told you, I'm still gonna do my own thing" I said not even looking at him or the others. "Okay sweet ass" I looked at him when he said that. I felt the tension build up between Patrick, Henry, and I. Henry winked at me and I heard Patrick let out an aggravated sigh. They all left and I continued to gather my things.

The bell rang and I went to first period. I sat down in the back where I did yesterday. To my surprise Patrick was sitting in the seat beside mine. Of course. So I decided to be nice and say hi. "Good morning, Patrick" I said bluntly. "Morning" huh rude much? "Hey, Emily can we talk?" He said, oh now he wants to talk? "About what?" I replied getting my things from my bag. "You know what about. Yesterday." "There's nothing to talk about, Patrick. You didn't want to be seen with me that's okay. It's no big deal, I'm use to it." "I'm sorry, it's just-" he was interrupted by our teacher. "Hockstetter, stop talking and pay attention. As for you miss Fisher." "Shut up you're getting us in trouble" I whispered to Patrick, "we'll talk later" he said. "Doubtful" I replied.

  After an awkward class with Patrick, I quickly went to my locker to gather my things for next period. I started to close my locker but someone did for me. Patrick. "Emily, hear me out." "K. What?" "I wasn't embarrassed of you, I was embarrassed for people to see me with a girl." "Wait what?" I shit him a confused look. "I mean, like on a date, instead of just playing around with them. I've never been on a real date with a girl." I was shook. "So, yesterday was a um... date?" I questioned. "What? No! I mean, ugh. Shit!" His face turned bright red. "Only if you want it to be considered a date?" He said looking away. "No" i simply said. "Oh, well this is awkward" he said running his fingers through his hair, "how about a real date?" I smiled up at him. He turned his head quickly and grinned. "Yeah! I mean yeah sure, how about Saturday we do something?". "Oh geez I don't know, are you going to hide again?" I joked. "Haha, no I'm not going to hide again" "then it's a date".

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