Bowers Gang

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Patrick's POV

  The bell rang indicating first period was over. That was the longest class of my life. It wasn't bad for once though. Gretta almost got her ass beat by Emily Fisher. Thee Emily Fisher, it sounds over exaggerated to say that about some girl who was in juvie for a year. Rumors spread, everyone had their own story about why she had to go. I don't really know what happened myself, but most of the rumors were that she killed a guy. Supposedly she was going to be there for two years, well I guess they cut her sentence short. Either way she's one badass bitch, and I am very intrigued.

  I watched as she gathered her things and strutted out of class. The boys and I went out to hang by Henry's locker, Emily's locker wasn't far off from his. She stood there putting things in and taking some out, she shut it and waited for the second bell to ring for class. I watched her and she fiddled around with something in her hand. It looks to be a knife, a switchblade like Henry's but a bit bigger. Henry noticed too, "damn she's a badass, hot as fuck, and has a knife? She's on my fuck list for sure." I turned and shot him a glare, that's all he ever wanted to do with a girl, fuck them and leave them. Don't get me wrong I've been known to do it a couple times too, but this time was different. I wanted to get to know Emily. Maybe she's misunderstood, like myself.

  I was going to walk up to her and talk but the bell rang and I never got the chance. Henry and I had the next class together, biology. He just kept talking about how he's gonna get Emily to fuck him. Finally after a good ten minutes of him talking about her I snapped. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said giving him a dirty look. "What are you talking about?" He replied confused, "you, you and that big mouth of yours!" I shot back, "what about me and my mouth, oh how I'm gonna use it on Emily?" At this point I couldn't take it no longer, I'd had it with him making dirty jokes about her. I stood up, peered over him, and punched him in the face knocking him flat in him ass. "What the fuck, Patrick?!" He yelled. "Don't say another word about her!" "Dude it was a joke!" He said defending himself. "I don't care!"

  The teacher ran over to see if Henry was hurt, he was fine I didn't hit him that hard. She looked up at me "PATRICK! DETENTION!!" I sat back down in my chair. "Whatever". The rest of the class Henry stayed silent, probably wondering why I just knocked the shit out of him.

Emily's POV

  Second period was going by extremely slow. English was my best subject though, so I didn't mind. The teacher told us he had to help with some decorations in the gym, and assigned us to read. I took out the book I'm currently reading, Salems Lot by Stephen King. Most of the other students were goofing off, but I was too into my book to care about any of them. This class a lot better than the first, no Gretta and her little trolls, none of the Bowers gang– I didn't mind them though. There were one kid, who sat beside me. I didn't know him but I recognized the name from somewhere. Ben Hanscom, where did I hear that name? Oh yeah, Henry was talking about him in first, how he was gonna cut him.

  I looked over at the shy boy, and he sheepishly smiled at me, I smiled back at him. "You're Ben right?" I asked, "uh yeah, that's me" he replied. Some kids turned and whispered about me I heard one girl say "oh shit her next victim!" I ignored the comment and spoke back to Ben, "hey uh Ben, I feel like it would be only right if I were to warn you about this," he gulped "Henry and his gang are looking for you, he said he's going to cut your tits off, so I'd be on the lookout if I were you." I warned, "yeah I know, thank you, oh hey um I never caught your name?" I smiled and stuck out my hand "Emily, Emily Fisher" he shook my hand and smiled back "well it's nice to meet you, are you new here too?" He questioned, by that I could tell he doesn't know who I am. "Uh no actually, I've been gone for a while" "oh where'd you go?" "Juvie" I simply said.

  The kid turned back around and slumped back in his seat and continued to read his book. Without looking he said "I don't know what you done, but thank you for being nice to me" I laughed, "no problem, Ben".

Bad Girl- Patrick HockstetterWhere stories live. Discover now