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Emily's POV

  Monday morning I walked into school meeting Patrick at my locker. He stood there looking all cool, looking very sexy might I add. "So we're up another 26 votes ahead of everyone" he said with a grin, "really? Wow, surprisingly" "all thanks to me" he said poking my cheek. I looked at him with that what'd you do look, he quickly averted his eyes and looked away, "Patrick.." "Okay I might have made a couple drop out" "Patrick we're suppose to win by votes not by making them drop out" "Hey the way I see it we're one step closer to winning, I think this is dumb shit anyways, but I never lose" "that's the attitude, never lose" I smiled at him.

  The whole day Patrick and I went around still asking people to vote for us and campaigning, we never had trouble out of Gretta or anyone else today. The school day ended and we started to walk out of the building, stopping by my locker first.

  We stood there talking for a bit before Henry come walking towards us, I instantly rolled my eyes. I quickly noticed the brace on his left arm, "Hey Uh can I talk to you guys for minute" Patrick shot him a glare "Nope" he quickly said turning away from him.

  "Look you don't have to say anything, just listen. Listen good cause I'm only saying it once" "get to the point Bowers" I said slamming my locker. "Okay I know I acted like a jerk and what I did was wrong and shit. But my dad found out about me breaking in your house, anyways I just wanted to apologize, I'm sorry." "Wow never thought I'd hear those words come out of Henry Bowers mouth." I said stunned "me either" Patrick said just as shocked.

  "Yeah yeah, look I'm sorry guys, Emily I'm truly sorry for all the shit I've gave you, it won't happen again, I hope we all be friends still?" Henry said looking down rubbing the back of his neck.

  "Sure but Bowers if you ever even look at Emily the wrong way, I'll skin you alive" he said getting in Henry's face "got it, by the way Pat, the gang isn't the same without you, if you wanna come back, and Emily the offer still stands if you wanna still be apart of it" Henry said slightly frightened of Patrick still staring him down.

  "We'll think about it" Patrick said taking my hand walking out of the building.  "So what are you going to do?" I asked him. "I'll hang out with them, but only for you, Belch, and Vic. Not for Henry" "why for me?" I asked curiously, "because I'm being the better person" "I'm proud of you Patrick" he looked down at me and hole we were walking. "If Henry thinks he's gonna boss me around though, he's dead fucking wrong" I giggled at him.

  The rest of the day wasn't that interesting. Patrick stayed for dinner at my house then went home, my mom and I watched a movie and talked.


The next day was a bit different. When I walked in Patrick was standing with the boys. As I approached them I overheard their conversation "it's good to have you back bro" "yeah it's been weird not having you around" Vic and Belch was saying to him. "Yeah good to be back".

Soon as I got to them they all smiled at me, even Henry. "Hello gorgeous" Patrick said pecking my lips. "Hey there, hey guys" I greeted them all. "So what's on the agenda today?" I asked, "Well I got some people to vote for you guys" Vic said "I voted for you also" Henry spoke, "thanks guys, are you guys going to homecoming?" "Uh no, not our thing" Henry replied. "Why not? It'll be fun" "yeah I bet" he said. "You'll get to see Patrick in a tux... and if we win, you'll see him embarrass himself with a fancy little crown on." "Never mind we're coming" Henry laughed, "shut up, it's not gonna be that funny" Patrick said rolling his eyes.

The bell rang, Patrick, Henry, Vic, and I went to our first period, parting ways with Belch. Oddly everything was back to normal between us all, we laughed and joked around the whole class. The rest of the day flew by. Henry, Vic, and Belch waited for Patrick and I after school to give us a ride. But instead of driving us home they drove to the quarry. "I thought we could all chill out and swim" Henry said "just another way to say sorry... well come on you bunch of slow asses" he yelled to us. "Shut it you mullet wearing asshole!" I yelled back laughing.

We all stripped down to our underwear and ran to the edge of the cliff. "Who's going first?" Belch asked, "I will" Patrick spoke up, he backed up some and took a run and go. "You guys coming or are you too chicken shit?!" He yelled from below. The rest of the boys jumped off as I stood there watching.

"Em, you coming or what?!" "Hey your ass down here!" They yelled to me, "uh I-i think I'll stay up here!" I screamed back. "What's the matter?!" Henry asked "she's afraid..." I heard Patrick tell him. "Baby it's okay! I'm right here I'll catch you! I'm not going to let you drown, we're all right here!" Patrick reassured me. "Don't worry Em, we got you!" Vic yelled.

I took I deep breath and sighed. I then took another breath and jumped. The fall felt like forever. Soon as I hit the water I started kicking, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me as I surfaced. "I told you I got you" Patrick said holding me close kissing the top of my head. "I won't let go either, you wanna just get on my back?" He asked and I quickly crawled on his back clinging onto him for dear life. I've always hated deep water and heights.

The rest of the time we swam around, well they swam and I clung to Patrick., but we all had a lot of fun. It was nice to have the boys back together.


A/n– sorry it's been a while, and sorry this chapter is sucky and is really short. I honestly didn't know what else to think of. But I still hope you enjoy it, don't forget to vote, and comment your thoughts. Thank you all for the 9K reads, like really?! It's amazing! And also again I want to apologize for being gone, I've been dead for over a week (flu😖) but I'm much better, and thank you to all who wished me well, it means a lot. But anyways ily guys!! 🖤🖤

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