The Night Alone

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SMUT WARNING!!! A lot of smut btw...

Patrick's POV

  After the stupid stunt Henry just pulled, I asked Belch to drive Emily and I back to her house. He pulled into her driveway and we all sat there silent for a few minutes trying to comprehend what just happened. I could see the guilt all over Victor and Belch's faces, Henry had a smug look on him, and Emily, poor Emily. This night was supposed to be about her, but these goons ruined it. And me? I did nothing. I handed him the lighter, I helped him do all this shit. How was I supposed to know he was going to burn the fucking gym down?! I just thought he wanted a smoke.

  I've ruined this night for my sweet, sweet Emily. I look over at her, her makeup still perfect, hair curled in the most beautiful waves, her dress showing all of her curves, her crown, she deserved that crown, and if it looks beautiful rested neatly on her head. This crown, on my head, I didn't deserve this. I don't deserve any of this. I don't deserve Emily. I'm just a pathetic psychopath who somehow got lucky.

  Emily looks over at me, "Patrick? Baby are you okay?" Baby, that word makes me weak, every time I hear it slip from her sweet lips it puts me in some type of trance. Her soothing voice calms me, I finally answer. "Yeah, I'm alright baby. You wanna go in now?" I said motioning to her house, she nodded in agreement. As we got out and started to walk away she stopped and turned towards the car, "thanks for the ride Belch, and thank you guys for being there tonight, see you later" she waved but not once looking at Henry. "Bye guys" I wave as they pull out.

  We walk up to her door, and she stops to look at me, "Emily, I'm sorry your night got ruined, it was supposed to be about you, and we all ruined it" she stopped me by kissing my lips. "You didn't ruin it Patrick. You didn't do anything wrong, Henry's just an ass wipe. But aside from that, I still had an amazing night— because I was with you." She cooed while cupping my cheeks. "I'm glad I could be your escort.... I should get going now, you're probably tired of me tonight" I said starting to walk off, she quickly grabbed my hand and jerked me back. "Not at all Mr. Hockstetter, would you like to come in?" She said biting her lip hoping I'd say yes, "I'd love to" I said kissing her forehead.

She slid the key into the doorknob, she pushed the door open and motioned for me to follow her in. "Mom, I'm home!" She yelled from the foyer. "Guess she's not home?" She shrugged walking into the kitchen, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Her short dress showed her legs off, and it turned me on a bit. I walked into the kitchen after her. "You want something to drink?" She said walking to the refrigerator, "Yeah, what do you got?" I questioned. "Well, let's see, I have coke, pepsi, orange soda, orange juice, but if that's not good enough, I also have a collection of alcohol, more like stash." She giggled. "After that I'm gonna need some of the hard stuff" I joked. "Well then follow me" She said motioning me with her finger. "Yes ma'am" I winked.

She lead me upstairs to her room, and told me to sit. "Okay so I know everything in your room, so where's this stash at? Huh?" She got in her closet, pull a couple boards up from the floor, to reveal a whole damn stores worth of alcohol, "take your pick" she said pointing to it all. "Damn, what'd you do rob the store?!" I asked shocked. "Maybe" she smirked. "Oh you naughty girl" I grinned. "I got beer, wine, brandy, tequila, gin, vodka, whiskey, and so forth and on, basically if you want it, I got it." I looked at her puzzled, "how has your mom not found this?" "Well, she wouldn't think to look between floor boards so I pried a couple up and put it all here, also she's never home and never comes in my room. Easy" "wow, um whiskey" "whiskey it is."

  She pulled out the familiar bottle of Jack Daniels, the boys and I would often get drunk of this. She grabbed a couple glasses and filled one with whiskey, "aren't you going to have any?" I asked "I think tonight choice... shall be.... vodka" she said pulling the vodka out, filling her glass, "um don't you think that's a bit much? Wouldn't you prefer shots?" I asked. "Shots are for pussies" she said giving me a funny look, I giggled at her facial expression. "Hm, you have such a cute laugh" I cocked an eyebrow at her, "Yeah?" I laughed again. "Yeah." She giggled back. 

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