Taking Control Part 1

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Chapter Six

February 20th, 1982It's been nine days. Nine days of only emerging from my room for food. I know I have to break out of my bubble at some point, but right now, I just feel like sinking into my mattress. Is that too much to ask for?

Around day four, I mustered the energy to stand up and gaze at myself in the vanity mirror. All my life, I thought I favored my mom, but now I realize it's because I've always searched for her features in my reflection. Yet, staring at myself grew tiresome quickly. I couldn't stand not knowing who I was looking at.

As expected, my mother was furious when I abruptly canceled everything. But whatever. I'm the face, and if I say I need a break, then I need a break. Besides, now that I know she isn't my real mother, things are different. I don't feel the need to strive for perfection to please her. One thing is for sure: I started modeling for her, but now I'm doing it for me. Speaking of which, I need to call Alexa back. She just had her first commercial shoot, and I'm eager to hear how it went.

But before I can even move, my phone starts ringing. Lazily, I grab the receiver. "Hello?"

"What are you doing?"

I haven't heard his voice in so long! Okay, it's only been like two months since the show... And he just sent me a letter last week, but still, nothing beats actually talking to him.

"Hey!" I exclaim, jumping out of bed. "How are you?"

"As good as I can be, mama. How about you?"

"Well, I've been better... But hearing from you is cheering me up," I say, smiling to myself.

"Aww, that's sweet, but what do you have to feel bad about, mama? Do I need to come kidnap you?"

Rolling my eyes, I smack my lips. "Boy, you know my crazy mother would skin your ass alive. I'm just going through some things over here."

"Well, talk to your man. What's troubling you?"

"It's not really something I want to say over the phone," I admit, playing with the cord. "But I really want to tell you."

"I was thinking..."

"Oh yeah?" I joke.

"Haha, very funny. For real. I was thinking that next month, the tour will be done... Maybe I can come to see you for a few days? It's going to be the only time off I have until I go back to the studio."

Is he kidding me? "Yeah, I think that could work. I'll double-check my schedule just to be certain."

Nope, I'm not accepting anything but "yes, Prince, I will squeeze you into my busy schedule just like you're doing for me."

Giggling, I say, "Of course, I'll make time for you. You are my favorite munchkin from the Wizard of Oz after all."

"There you go with the jokes. Fine. Now that we have an understanding, I'm going to let you go. I'll see you on March fifteenth."

"Okay, P. I'll see you then," I say, hanging up the phone.

Oh my God! He wants to see me! Like, he's really going out of his way to spend his only time off here in New York. What are we gonna do? In New York, the options are endless.

"What the hell is this, James?" My mom barges into my room, looking furious.

My heart races as I wonder what she's talking about. Seeing the envelope in her hand, I realize she found the petition for emancipation. "I know, Mom," I sigh.

"Of course, you know! You did it, you ungrateful brat!" she yells, spit flying everywhere.

Yep, she's definitely pissed. Standing up, I glare at the woman who's lied to me all these years. "No, I mean I know your secret! I know that I'm adopted."

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