Does My Hair Look Music Video Ready?

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Paris, France


As we drive back to the hotel, I can't shake the feeling of uncertainty. Yesterday's events left me questioning where James and I stand. I steal glances at her, but she catches me every time.

"Just say what you need to say, damn!" James snaps, her tone laced with frustration after my persistent looks.

My cheeks flush, and I avert my gaze. "Doulver?" I blurt out, grasping for something to break the tension.

Confusion clouds her expression. "What? I don't understand," she responds, puzzled.

Clearing my throat, I gather my thoughts. "I meant, do you love her?"

"I don't see myself with her long term, no. It's not something I wanted; I just fell into it. Now I'm at a crossroads where I don't want to hurt her, but I don't want to be with her either. It's a lot," she admits.

"I seem to remember being at that same crossroad not too long ago," I confess softly, reaching out for her hand. "I was so stupid, James. Looking for love in all the wrong people."

The warmth of my hand sends shivers down her arm. "It's taken me a long time, but it's clear that God sent you to me. For me to love and be loved back. All I'm asking for is a chance."

As we pull up to the hotel, James takes a deep breath, anxiety creeping in.

"I'll go up with you," I offer, moving to open my door.

She holds out her hand to stop me. "No, you can't. I have to do this alone," she insists, stepping out of the car.

Glancing back at me, she smiles reassuringly. "Just call me later, okay?"

I let a moment pass before speaking again. "I'll do you one better... Why don't you take care of what you need to do with what's-her-face and then pack your bags? Jerome and I have to be in Miami tomorrow night for wrap-up shots and filming a video. You've been working nonstop for months. Tell me you don't need a break."

James gives me a knowing look. Our openness today has stripped away her resistance. She knows I'm right, and deep down, she wants to go to Miami.

"I can't promise I won't have to go away for work again, but I think I can arrange some time off," she concedes, flashing me a beautiful smile.

An evil smirk spreads across my face. "Fine. It just gives me more time to convince you to join us on tour."

"Whatever. I'll call you when I'm ready," she says, stepping out and smoothing down her dress.

Before she closes the door, I interject, "Wait, what about Monique?"

"She isn't my mother, Prince. We both know how the game works, so stop worrying. I'll be fine," she reassures me, waving me off as she heads into the hotel.



Exiting the car, I mentally brace myself for what's to come. Greeting the doorman, I head inside and take the stairs, stalling for time. I'm not sure how Monique will react to the breakup, especially since I left her to dine with the man I described as egotistical and promiscuous. Part of me feels guilty about it.

Monique has an attitude that's hard to ignore. I'm debating whether to invite her to Miami with us. But then again, who am I kidding? I wouldn't pass up some fun in the sun, especially when Prince knows just how to bribe me.

Unlocking the door to the room, I step inside, expecting Monique to be waiting with a weapon, but the suite is empty. I check the bathroom, finding it deserted too. What's going on?

Electric Echoes: A Melodic Tango of Love and ReluctanceWhere stories live. Discover now