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Chapter Thirteen


After our night of sledding, I persuade James to come back to Galpin with me. She heads straight to the room she's been using, ready to crash after a day full of events that left us both drained. But before I can rest, I need to catch up with Chick and get a report on the incident that had the whole place on edge.

I didn't want to alarm James last night, as if having a gun pointed at her wasn't enough. But an ex-girlfriend who I broke things off with months ago has been making threatening appearances every few days. She's more clingy than dangerous, but it's still unsettling.

Chick hasn't seen hide nor hair of her in two days, so at least tonight should be event-free. Except for everything else weighing on my mind—my conversation with my dad and his disapproval of James and me. He's too stubborn to admit his own mistakes in his marriage, let alone accept my choices. Stubbornness seems to run in the family, which I'm counting on to have any chance with James.

How did we get here? Three years ago, she was just Andre's cousin, and now she's the woman of my dreams. I was attracted to her from the start, as I am with many women, but getting to know her made me realize she's different. I want to love and protect her in a way only I can.

Which brings me to the next dilemma: the conversation I overheard before night sledding. James noticed my distraction during the fun, but how can I tell her what I overheard? I don't want to hurt her, especially when all I want is to keep her safe.

"Hey, Chick, how's it been tonight?" I ask the imposing figure who oversees security.

He glances up from the monitors, his expression serious. "The alarms went off once, but it was probably just a raccoon in the yard. Everything seems clear, but I'm going to do a perimeter check to be sure she's not lurking around. I'll take my heat just in case."

"Do what you need, brother. I'm going to check on James upstairs. See you later," I reply, leaving him to his patrol.

Fuck. My stomach churns as I make my way to James. How do I convince her to take a chance on me and the love I've always imagined? As I approach her room, I notice the door is slightly open. Peeking inside, I see her sitting at the mirror, and with a deep breath, I step in, ready to lay my heart on the line.


I'm utterly exhausted after a night of sledding. With Aunt Bernie's place packed with family, I opt to spend the night at Galpin. Leaving Prince in the foyer, I head upstairs to change out of my wet clothes. As soon as my bra hits the floor, I breathe a sigh of relief, slipping into my long-sleeve Purple Rain shirt.

Surveying my reflection in the mirror, I grimace. The makeup needs to come off, pronto. Sitting down at my vanity, I take stock of my smeared face. It's a stark contrast to just a few years ago when I felt trapped in an unhappy life. Now, I'm happier than ever, and it shows. Living life on my own terms has brought a sense of peace I never knew existed.

Brushing my hair into a bun, I reach for a makeup remover wipe when I hear the sound of heels approaching. I hope it's Prince with the promised hot chocolate.

"That shirt looks great on you," his voice precedes him as I catch his reflection in the mirror.

He joins me on the bench, taking the makeup wipes from my hand. In silence, he begins to cleanse my face, his gaze never leaving mine. It's almost hypnotic, and I feel my cheeks flush under his intense stare. When he's done, he speaks those three words that he's said countless times before, but this time, it feels different.

"I love you, James," he says, his voice deepening.

It sends a warm shiver down my spine, and I reply in a whisper, "I love you too."

Leaning in, he kisses me softly, igniting a fire within me. I surrender to the moment, wrapping my arms around him, lost in the sensation of his lips on mine.

But as quickly as it begins, reality snaps back, and I push him away gently, struggling to catch my breath.

"What are we doing?" I ask, my mind reeling.

He looks bewildered. "I thought we were kissing. What's wrong?"

"Isn't it a little weird?" I blurt out, suddenly aware of the implications of our actions, especially considering his recent reconciliation with Andre. "I mean, we just started patching things up, and now we're... doing this? Are we sure this is the right path to take?"

He shakes his head. "Life's uncertain, mama. Sometimes you have to take a risk and have faith. If you never do, you'll never experience love."

His words tug at my heart, but I can't ignore my doubts. "I want to be loved, but I'm just not sure..."

He grabs my chin and looks me in the eyes. " I know you feel what I feel... Tell me, have ever let a man touch you here? " He asks as his warm hand slides in between my legs and begins rubbing on my panty-covered slit. 

My body convulses but his other arm is grounding me to the bench. " N- No! " 

" Exactly what I thought mama. You've let no other man touch you because you were waiting for me to get my head out of my ass. Don't deny it. " He says hotly before pulling the at the hem of my panties to have skin-on-skin contact.

His touch unnerves me, and I pull away abruptly, putting distance between us.

"I just find it hard to believe that you could be faithful to me with all the beautiful women around you," I blurt out, regretting the words as soon as they leave my mouth.

His hurt is palpable, and I feel guilty for causing it. "I'm sorry, but you have to understand my perspective. How can I compete with them?"

"You're the most precious woman I've ever known," he says, tears welling in his eyes. "All the beauty and success in the world can't compare to you. I was going to ask you to move in with me. Now I know how you really feel."

I'm stunned. "Did he really expect me to make such a big decision after just a couple of weeks?"

"It's now or never, James," I tell myself. "After New Year, I'm off to Paris for a month-long gig, then Rome and London. I'll be gone most of the year."

The hurt in his eyes breaks me. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you, but this is all too much. You're going back on tour, and I'm going back to work."

Silence hangs heavy in the air as he storms out angrily, leaving me feeling torn and guilty. Who knew there were so many layers to Prince?

Electric Echoes: A Melodic Tango of Love and ReluctanceWhere stories live. Discover now