Saving Esposito and Lanie

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At the precint

Ryan stayed there late that night, he was trying to found something that can lead them to 3XK, he was into the system of senator Bracken computer, that was ilegal, but he needed to try everything, they were so close to the truth.

"WTF??!" he exclaimed to himself

He found a file with all the crimes that Jerry Tyson (Greg Bracken) have comited, he print that an then went to Espo's loft to show him, when he got there, he saw the police that Captain Gates had put in their houses to protect them dead and with a lot of blood around him. He imediatly call reforces and captain Gates, he knew something was wrong, something named 3XK

When everyone was there they broke in Esposito's apartmant, they saw Jerry Tyson

"3XK!! you really are alive" Captain Gates said

"Yes I am, and Im gonna kill your friends"

"No you aren't" Ryan said giving a shot in Tyson's shoulder, but he failed, so espo take his gun really fast and point it to Tyson, but he still have his gun in hands so he shot Espo.

"Javy!" Lanie scream crying and putting her hands in his face

3XK run to the window and jump, it was the first floor so it was fine, there were police officers, but Bracken had all planed, Tyson took a scream and a car got throw the officers, Tyson get in the car and go away.

The ambulance arrived and took Esposito to the hospital, Lanie was in the van with him and Ryan and Captain Gates were in the car following them

In the hospital

The doctor went talk with Lanie

"Doctor Parish, his fine the bullet just got in his shoulder his ready to go home!"

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