˚t e n˚

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╔═══"chapter ten" ═╗

                                ╚═ "intoxication" ═══╝

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                             ╚═ "intoxication" ═══╝

the room was spinning, and jeongguk had lost sight of yugyeom roughly half an hour ago-or, at least, that's what he thought.

a crowd made up of about fifty intoxicated high school seniors grinded and moved in questionable ways on the makeshift dance floor, which was bambam's living room with the furniture pushed to the walls. dancing sounds like a good idea, thought jeongguk as he smiled and clutched his drink tighter.

he only stumbled a little as he made his way over to the dancefloor, spilling a bit of his drink onto the floor as people bumped into him. "rude," jeongguk said to nobody in particular. he found a spot where there wasn't as many people and began to dance, swaying his hips to the beat of the loud music.

as he looked around, he was slightly disheartened to realize he knew almost none of these people. spending his high school years forbidden from socializing with anybody but his two best friends who didn't even go to his school had proved to be more detrimental to jeongguk's social life than he realized. deciding to push away any thoughts of his overprotective stepbrother who was probably currently in bed with some american, jeongguk gulped down the rest of his drink and closed his eyes, allowing himself to melt into the beat.

it wasn't until much later that jeongguk woke up. as he opened his eyes, he realized there was significantly less people than earlier, although some stragglers still lingered, either leaning against the walls and talking with someone or quietly getting it on in the corner. slowly he sat up, noticing that at some point during the night he'd ended up passing out on the couch. either that, or someone had put him there.

as if on cue, a figure squatted down in front of him. "hey, guk. you feeling better after your nap?" yugyeom chuckled, passing the boy a water bottle. "by the time i found you again you were so far gone i only had to lead you to the couch and you were out like a light," the younger informed him giggling.

jeongguk felt a blush creep on his cheeks and quickly he uncapped the water bottle and took a big swig so yugyeom wouldn't see his rosy cheeks. "what time is it?" he asked quietly.

"hm...about two thirty."

jeongguk's eyes flew open wide and he felt himself sober up immediately.. "two thirty? oh my god, seokjin hyung is going to be so worried!"

yugyeom frowned. "is he that creepy guy with the truck?"

"yeah, he's my boyfriend," jeongguk laughed, "sorry about that, by the way. he just got a bit jealous. anyway, i need to get home. you didn't happen to stay sober, did you?"

yugyeom shook his head, and held out his hand to help the older up. "why don't you call your boyfriend to pick you up?"

"yeah, hopefully he won't be too mad at me for waking him up," jeongguk laughed as he stood and felt around his pockets for his phone, finally locating it in his back pocket. pulling it out he swiftly opened seokin's contact and dialled. it picked up on the third ring.

"hello?" seokjin's tired voice answered, and jeongguk fought the urge to coo at how cute he sounded.

"hi, hyung. it's me."

"jeongguk? what the hell are you doing calling me at... three a.m?! why aren't you home?"

jeongguk bit his lip. "s-sorry, i'm at that party and i guess i fell asleep. can you come pick me up?"

a loud sigh was heard through the receiver, and jeongguk immediately felt guilty. "alright, text me the address, i'm on my way. don't do anything stupid."

"okay, thanks hyung."

after hanging up, jeongguk texted bambam's address to seokjin. while they waited for the older boy to arrive, yugyeom and jeongguk sat on the couch together. this time, however, yugyeom made sure to put a reasonable amount of distance between them so he couldn't possibly be yelled at. for a while they sat in comfortable silence, until yugyeom felt like he needed to say something.



"listen... i'm sorry for always hitting on you even when you told me you weren't interested. you're so nice to me all the time and i feel bad that all i ever did was pursue you. i promise i won't do it anymore, but i hope we can still be friends?" yugyeom looked to the other hopefully.

jeongguk smiled earnestly at the younger male, leaning over to give him a hug. "of course, yugyeomie. i'm not mad at you for liking me, but remember that there's someone out there for you, okay?"

yugyeom pulled back from the hug, smiling shyly. "thanks, jeongguk."

suddenly, their moment was interrupted by a tall, lanky figure jeongguk recognized as the one who had thrown the party. "hey, sorry to be an asshole, but are you guys staying the night or leaving? i wanna start cleaning up."

"oh, hi bammie. guk here's just waiting for his boyfriend to pick him up. is it cool if i stay the night? i don't have a ride home." yugyeom smiled up at the skinny boy.

before bambam could reply, there was a knock at the door. "that's probably seokjin," jeongguk said leaping up from the couch. "okay, bye gyeomie! and thanks for the cool party, bambam." he skipped to the door, smiling to himself as he left the two by themselves.

"hi, jin hyung," he beamed as he followed the elder to the truck, leaning over to press a kiss to the tired male's cheek. "thanks for coming to get me."

"i'll always be here for you, guk. now let's get you home, hm?"

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