˚e p i l o g u e˚

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i can't believe we're already at the epilogue! it feels like just yesterday i was starting this fic, and now it's over ;-; thank you ALL SO MUCH!!! for the support and love you have given this book, all your comments make my day💞😊 without further ado, please enjoy the epilogue of control.

╔═══"epilogue" ═╗

                                     ╚═ "future" ═══╝

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                                  ╚═ "future" ═══╝

nervously, jeongguk stared at the stage, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. he watched as his fellow classmates walked across the stage, smiling and bowing as they received their diplomas. it would be his turn, soon, and then it would all be over.

everything would be different, but at the same time nothing would change. he would still be jeon jeongguk, younger stepbrother of kim namjoon. he would still be madly in love with the breathtaking kim seokjin, and he would still have his amazing yet weird best friends jimin and taehyung. but, in a few months, he would be nineteen, he would start college, and he would start a new chapter of his life.

"jeon jeongguk."

the boy's head shot up, and a pink blush coloured his cheeks as he made his way towards the stage. he could hear clapping, hollers and shouts from the audience. as he climbed the stairs he looked out, and had to stifle a grin when he saw namjoon, seokjin, jimin and taehyung all standing and cheering for him. even his stepfather was there, right beside namjoon, clapping and smiling silently. jeongguk felt his heart swell with happiness.

he walked across the stage and accepted the diploma, smiling and thanking the principal with a short bow. quickly he scurried off the stage and back to the seats, where he was immediately enveloped in a massive group hug. "we're so proud of you, guk!" beamed jimin, as he reached up to throw his arms around the younger.

taehyung joined in, ruffling jeongguk's hair. "still surprised you didn't fail maths, though."
jeongguk playfully punched him in the arm, and taehyung barked out a laugh.

namjoon stepped forward, eyes watery. he held his arms out and jeongguk rushed into the comforting embrace. over the past few months, the two brothers have gotten immensely closer, more than they ever were before. namjoon had started to ease up on the protectiveness, and now trusted jeongguk with a lot more. they compromised often, both boys were happy.

"i'm so proud of you, we all are," said the older, rubbing jeongguk's back. "even your mom, she's up there right now crying and smiling because you're so special, guk. you're going to go far, kid." still holding back tears, namjoon gently pressed a kiss to the top of his brothers forehead, holding him tight like he was scared the younger would disappear if he didn't.

jeongguk could only nod, too emotional to form words. as his brother stepped back from the embrace, he looked up from where he was wiping his eyes to see his stepfather standing in front of him.

"i thought you'd have to work," jeongguk said quietly.

mr. kim smiled, shaking his head. "i'd never miss your graduation. listen, jeongguk. i'm so sorry for always being absent from your life, and i'm so lucky you have namjoon to look after you. i promise to try to be there for you more in the future." the man gently wrapped his arms around his stepson, hugging him lovingly. "you've made your mother proud."

after the graduation ceremony was over, mr. kim agreed to lend jeongguk his credit card so he could take everyone out for dinner. they decided on a nice restaurant and made sure to call ahead to ensure they would get a table.

they all piled into namjoon's suv, and soon enough they were off. seokjin sat up front with his best friend, leaving a slightly grumpy jeongguk to squeeze into the back with his friends. during the short ride, jimin spoke excitedly to jeongguk about his and taehyung's recent anniversary dinner, in which taehyung had taken jimin to a fancy italian restaurant and then when the sun had set, they went to a park and stargazed. jeongguk thought it was cute, and it really was, but it left him wondering slightly what seokjin would do for their upcoming anniversary. it would mark six months that they'd been together, and jeongguk was excited to celebrate the milestone. he could hardly believe they'd already been dating for half a year, it felt like less and longer at the same time.

"we're here!" cheered taehyung as he leaped out of the vehicle, startling jeongguk back to reality. he followed and got out of the parked car, trailing behind his friends as they entered the restaurant. after giving their name, the group was seated and given menus.

namjoon was seated at the end of the table, jeongguk and seokjin to his left, jimin and taehyung to his right. "i can't help but feel a little lonely," he joked.

the five soon broke into easy conversations and laughter, earning a few looks from other customers, but they didn't care. they were celebrating, and to hell with anyone who tried to stop them.

seokjin laid his hand on jeongguk's thigh, squeezing it gently. "i'm proud of you. you've grown up quite a lot since we first met."

the younger looked up at his boyfriend, smiling shyly. "you think so?"

seokjin leaned over and brought jeongguk into a chaste but loving kiss. "i know so," he said as he looked directly into jeongguk's warm brown eyes. he pulled back, suddenly remembering something he'd been meaning to ask. "so, um, i have a question for you." nodding, jeongguk waited for the elder to proceed.

"i was wondering if you maybe wanted to move in with me?"

namjoon whipped his head from where he'd been chatting with jimin and fixed his eyes on seokjin and jeongguk. he watched as his brother's eyes lit up and in that moment he felt his heart sink a little. of course he would feel a little sad at his baby brother moving out, he'd raised the kid for most of his teen years. at this, namjoon couldn't help but feel like he was losing jeongguk. he was, however, surprised when the younger turned to face him, face alight with hope. "can i, hyung? please, please?"

namjoon was honestly shocked that jeongguk was even asking for permission. after all, he was eighteen and could technically do as he pleased. the fact that he asked namjoon made the older feel like maybe he hadn't really lost his brother after all.

"i-uh, yeah, i suppose that's okay. you'll have to talk with dad too, though," namjoon found himself agreeing, even smiling softly.

"really?" jeongguk's eyebrows shot up and a wide grin spread across his face as he leaned across the table to wrap his big brother in a hug. "thank you thank you thank you!" he chanted.

seokjin smiled at namjoon, mouthing a 'thank you' as well. as their food finally arrived, and the five of them dug in, chattering happily, seokjin couldn't help but feel like this was home. he had the love of his life by his side, ready to start a new chapter together. he had amazing friends, and a bright future.

he looked over to where jeongguk was eagerly stuffing his face with noodles, a cute bunny smile on his face. seokjin couldn't control himself from leaning over and pulling his boyfriend into a kiss; they may be celebrating an ending for jeongguk, but for the two of them, this was only the beginning.

f i n

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