˚t w e l v e˚

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╔═══"chapter twelve" ═╗

                                     ╚═ "suspicion" ═══╝

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    ╚═ "suspicion" ═══╝

jeongguk turns in front of the mirror, eyes fixed on his reflection. "are you sure i look okay?" he asks jimin timidly.

jimin wraps his arms around jeongguk in a back hug, smiling with his eyes. "gukkie, you look ravishing. he's gonna want to take you in the restaurant."

jeongguk blushes furiously, pushing jimin off him. "you're gonna wrinkle my suit. now, as much as that actually turns me on, i don't wish to traumatize taehyung."

jimin laughs, a musical sound. "oh, guk. sweet, innocent guk. you would not be traumatizing him in anyway. the other night, he tied me up to the–"

"okay, okay!" jeongguk's eyes were wide, as he waved his hands frantically. "i don't need to hear anymore!" laughing nervously, he scurried about his room, touching up his hair and pulling his shoes on. "let's go, they're waiting for us."

the two make their way downstairs to where taehyung and seokjin are chatting in the living room. the four of them decided to go on a double date, and it worked out well for jeongguk since namjoon was working late tonight.

"whoa." seokjin breathes out when he sees jeongguk, his heartbeat quickening. jeongguk ducks his head, blushing again as he walks over to the elder. he buried his head in seokjin's chest, inhaling the familiar scent he's come to love. "you're breathtaking."

jeongguk hits seokjin's chest lightly. "stop~" he whines.

jimin and taehyung stand, watching them with fond smiles on their faces. taehyung grabs jimin's hand and tugs him to the door, "come on, you sappy shits. our reservation's at six."

"thanks for meeting me, guys." namjoon smiles at his friends as they sit, and he takes a sip of his coffee.

hoseok returns the warm smile, "no problem, joonie. what's up?" he stays seated while yoongi stands to get them both a drink.

namjoon reclines in his chair, heaving a sigh as he cards his hand through his soft hair. "it's my little brother. i don't know... it's just ever since i got home, i can't help but feel like there's something going on behind my back."

hoseok quirks a brow. "what do you mean? you think he's getting into trouble or something?"

namjoon frowns and shakes his head. "no, i think it has to do with jin hyung."

hoseok has to stifle the squeak from slipping from his lips. he can't believe seokjin's been dating jeongguk without telling namjoon. "why..." he croaks, "why would you think he has anything to do with it?"

"they just act weird around each other when i'm with them, i don't know, maybe i'm overthinking it?"

yoongi returns with the drinks, sitting down and handing the mug to his boyfriend as he sits. turning to the elder, beaming, hoseok plants a kiss on yoongi's lips as a 'thank you' before taking a big sip.

"so what did i miss?" yoongi asks.

namjoon quickly fills him in on his suspicions, and yoongi also has to awkwardly cough when he realizes the situation. he makes a mental note to call seokjin later, and yell at him for dating jeongguk without namjoon's knowledge.

"ah, i wouldn't worry too much, namjoon-ah. of course they'll act weird around each other, you did hide them from each other for almost five years," yoongi tries to reassure the younger.

the three friends eventually move onto other topics, discussing college and jobs and everything in between. after about an hour, namjoon excuses himself to go get ready for work. alone in the café, yoongi and hoseok sit contemplatively.

"i can't believe..."

"how can hyung do that? does he not feel guilty? he and namjoon have been best friends for what, like, ten years? probably more! you don't just go behind your best friends back like that!" hoseok ranted, huffing in frustration.

yoongi chuckled, rubbing hoseok's back as he pulled him into his side. "calm down, seok. i'm sure everything will work itself out."

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