Chapter 9

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Eren's POV

The walk was starting to make me feel tired and all I wanted was to lay down. "You okay Eren?" Levi asked when I almost tripped for the third time in a row. "Yeah, just tired Levi." I said holding onto his arm tightly. "We'll be there soon~." Hanji said and soon after a village came into view. I could see people look at Levi and me as we walked through the town to his house. "Welcome back Levi!" a guy with really, really bushy eyebrows said. "It's good to be back." Levi answered. I already started to feel shy again and hid in Levi's chest. "Who's this?" The bushy eyebrowed blonde pointed to me. "This is the person I want to spent the rest of my live with." Levi answered stroking my hair. "That's good to hear, I'll give you a full report after you show him around." The blond said. Levi nodded and started walking to his house telling me who everyone was and what role they played in the village. "And this is my house." Levi said when we stopped in front of a big house. "It's huge!!" I exclaimed. He smiled and walked inside. "Soon we will get things ready in the baby's room." He said as he walked inside. I smiled again and followed him to our room. "This is our room, the bathroom is the door on the right and the closet is the door on the left. You look really tired lay down and take a nap. I'll make something to eat." Levi said giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Okay."

Levi's POV

Erwin walked in the door soon after I left Eren in the room to sleep. "What's his name?" He asked looking over at Eren. "His name is Eren." I answered walking into my office. "How many months is he?" Erwin asked as he followed me. "He is currently three months." I told him. "I'm happy for you Levi." He smiled and than began his report on the last ten months I have been away. "Erwin go get Hanji so we can do a check up on the baby." I said after he was done with the report. Erwin nods and then leaves. I started cooking until shitty four eyes gets here. Hanji knocked on the front door and then walked in. "Where is he?" she asked looking around. "He's sleeping. I'll go wake him up." I said walking to our room. "Okay." I hear Hanji answer. I walked into the bedroom and there was Eren sitting in the rocking chair my mother left me. He was rubbing his belly humming a song. "Eren?" I call out his name. He looked over at me and blushed. "Y-yeah."
"Hanji is here to check up on the baby and you." I explained and Eren nodded. Hanji soon walked into the room. "Okay Eren lay down on the bed and please lift your shirt." she instructed. Eren nodded and did what she asked. 

Hanji's POV

I finished hooking up the ultrasound machine and got ready to look at the baby. "This is going to be cold okay Eren?" I asked and he nodded. I poured some on his stomach and he flinched. "Damn that is really cold!" He says looking over at Levi. I nodded and put the transducer on his stomach. "It looks alright to me. Do you want to know the gender?" I asked. Eren nods slowly. "Alright it seems you are having a little baby girl. Look you can see it right here."  I say as I point to the screen showing the blurry picture. Eren smiled and started crying as Levi walked over and hugged him. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with you or the baby so I don't see any problems in the future." I say putting the ultrasound machine away. Levi thanked me and then I left. 

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