Chapter 15

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Eren's POV

we were walking back home with the four of us but I had more difficulty walking then the rest of us. Levi tried supporting me as best he could seeing as he was injured himself. I tried telling him he needed to take more care of himself but he didn't listen. Saying I was more important then he himself. Erwin and Armin were walking in front of us with Armin clinging to Erwins arm. It was so cute to see my best friend so happy and clingy. "Armin do you think we should rest for a bit." I heard Erwin ask. Armin looked over his shoulder and then nodded. So Erwin stopped at a clearing and guided me and Levi over to some trunks to sit on. I was glad we stopped and rested because my back was killing me. Levi sat down beside me and sighed deeply. "How are you holding up Eren?" He asked looking up at me. "I'm alright. Just tired is all." I said leaning against his good side. "How are your injuries?" I asked stroking his back. "It's fine. I doesn't hurt as much as before." Levi said wrapping his arm around my waist. I liked the way he showed me how much he loves me. We sat together in silence just resting up. I suddenly felt some strong kicks in my stomach which made me winch slightly. "What's wrong?" Levi asked worried. "Nothing, the baby just kicked that's all." I answered sitting up straight. Armin was beside me before I could say anything. "Can I feel?" He asked holding his hand over my stomach. I nodded and leaned back a little. Armin gingerly placed his hand on top of my stomach trying to feel my baby kick. I shook my head and guided his hand down over my stomach so he was holding the underside of it. My baby started kicking again making me flinch. "I'm sorry." Armin said when he saw my face. I shook my head breathing deeply. "It's fine it wasn't your fault." I reassured him. Then after he got back up I tried standing up. "Let's go further." I said letting myself be helped onto my feet. We continued our track back home but as we were walking I felt something drop into my pelvis. I groaned in discomfort as I felt the strange sensation. Levi stopped walking and looked over his shoulder when he heard me. He quickly walked over and supported me. "What's wrong babe?" He asked worried. "Ugh...It's fine just the baby moving." I said trying to stand up straight. "Are you okay to walk?" Levi said looking me over. I nodded. "What else can we do. It's not like you can carry me." I said jokingly. I was happy that broke the tension as we all laughed. We started walking again and soon we were home. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch glad to be back home. The baby had dropped very low and made it difficult to walk normally making me look like a duck. Erwin and Armin were sitting opposite of me and kept shooting worried glances to me but I just smiled at them. Levi was in the kitchen making us all some tea. I was so tired, I haven't slept in two days. I rested my head against the back of the couch and closed my eyes. I started drifting of to sleep making the world fade out. 

Levi's POV

As I walked into the living room with everyone's tea I saw Eren had closed his eyes. I quietly walked over to the couch and after setting the tea down I sat beside Eren. I heard some soft snores coming from him. Armin chuckled quietly before he started speaking. "You know Levi he is so cute like this. I mean look at him, he seems so peaceful when he sleeps." Armin pointed out as he cuddled up to Erwin. "Yes you're right he does seem peaceful like this. I don't know when the last time is he slept with all that's happened lately." I answered looking rather worried up at Eren's face. "You know the baby can come at any giving moment right? I mean did you notice how he walked the last couple miles?" Armin asked. "I noticed he was having difficulty but knowing Eren he won't admit it even if it was obvious." I said as I took a sip of my tea. "I wouldn't be surprised if the baby has dropped low in the pelvis ready to be born." Armin said looking thoughtful. I looked at him with a question in my eye. "Ah you don't know how pregnancy works right?" Armin asked when he saw my face. I shook my head. "Well you could say the baby will drop lower in his body making is so the head of the child will be in between his hip bones making it very uncomfortable to walk or even sit up straight. I think Eren was just so tired he didn't notice it yet but I would warn you to be ready." Armin explained. "So should I inform Hanji to be ready to be called in?" I asked looking from Eren to Armin and then back to Eren. "Yeah that would be the best thing to do. You do know what delivery is about?" Armin asked. I felt my face heat up a bit but nodded. "Yeah I know Eren can give birth naturally it's just a bit unusual." I said still looking at Eren. I couldn't and didn't want to keep my eyes of him. I love him so much and don't know what to do without him. "Well we better be going home also, it has been a really long day and I bet we don't get much rest." Armin said standing from the couch. I also got up but then looked back at Eren. "I want to get him upstairs. I don't think he would appreciate it if I left him to sleep on this uncomfortable couch." I said turning to Erwin. He seemed to catch on as he walked closer to us. "Please don't wake him." I murmured as Erwin just smiled. We walked upstairs and Erwin placed Eren on the soft bed. I thanked him and then waved him out the door. Armin was already waiting at the front door. I closed the door and locked it after Erwin and Armin left. Then I quickly walked back upstairs, changed me and Eren in something more comfortable and crawled in bed beside him. I softly kissed his forehead. "goodnight my love." I whispered. "Goodnight Levi." Eren answered back. I smiled and cuddled up to my lover and we both fell asleep.  

you won't believe how many times I had to wait to get back to writing. Every time I was writing Wattpad gave me an error making me have to rewrite some of my chapter. So I'm glad it's done and I hope you like this update. 


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