Chapter 16

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Eren's POV

I woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach. I slowly sat up but then I felt bile rise up in my throat. Quickly holding my hands in front of my mouth I retched. I tried getting out of bed but I couldn't get up quick enough and I heaved spilling my stomachs contest all over the bed. I started sobbing waking Levi up. "Babe what happened?" Levi asked but then he smelled my vomit and saw the bed. I cried harder when he didn't say anything anymore. It seemed to snap him out of it and he quickly got up and pulled the sheets from the bed. I didn't want to be so helpless but I couldn't help it. "It's okay Eren, nothing to worry about. I'll just clean the sheets." Levi said throwing everything in the hamper. I nodded but didn't stop sobbing, I still felt sick. "L-Levi, I...don't good." I said between sobs and pants. My stomach turned again and I quickly held my hands in from of my mouth again. Levi ran to the bathroom and came back with a bucket which I used to vomit in. After I emptied my stomach I felt a bit better. "I think I'm done now." I said to Levi who kept rubbing circles on my back. I smiled weakly up at him sighing deeply. I don't know why I was sick all of a sudden but after puking I felt much better. "I want to take a shower." I said looking at Levi. He nodded and helped me to my feet. I felt that my legs couldn't carry me so I sat back down. It felt very uncomfortable to even sit up but I really want to shower. Levi picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. "Aren't I heavy?" I asked him when he put me down on the toilet seat. "Nope not at all." Levi said then he helped me get undressed and put me under the streaming water. I enjoyed the warm water and it relaxed me greatly. Levi helped me clean myself and afterward he helped me get dressed in something comfortable. "Do you want to eat something?" Levi asked me as we walked downstairs. I nodded my head and sat down at the table. Watching as Levi cooked me something I felt my stomach tightening again. It didn't hurt per se but it felt uncomfortable. "Eren are you alright. You seem a little out of it." Levi asked placing a plate of pancakes in front of me. I nodded and started eating. "It's just my stomach is tightening and it feels really uncomfortable." I said finishing my food. Levi nodded and guided me to the living room. "Are you able to stay alone for a little while so I can take a shower?" He asked me. "Yes I'll be fine Levi. Don't worry I'll call when I need you." I said. Levi nodded and after kissing my forehead and handing me the remote he went to the bathroom upstairs. I turned the tv on and started zapping. The tv had nothing interesting on so I changed the channel to some music. I relaxed into the couch and closed my eyes. After I don't know how long I suddenly felt severe pain in my abdomen. Moaning in pain I closed my eyes tight and gripped my stomach. "Oh god." was all I could breath out as the pain took my breath away. Remembering some of the breathing exercises Armin told me about I tried them. It worked for a little bit but soon the pain was gone again. I brushed it of as a painful braxton hicks and I closed my eyes again relaxing back into the couch. I slowly rubbed circles onto my stomach and waited until our baby kicked. I waited for a few minutes but when I didn't get a kick in respons I started to get worried. I wanted to call out to Levi just when another pain hit. This time it was much worse and I cried out. In less than five seconds Levi was beside me stroking my cheek and trying to get my attention. "Eren...Eren what's wrong?" he asked looking me in the eye. "Levi I think the baby is coming." I said trying to get my breathing under control. "Alright I'll go get Armin and Hanji." Levi said getting up but I grabbed his arm. "No don't go. I don't want to be alone." I pleaded with him. Levi looked from me to the door and than back at me before sighing and sitting down beside me. "Alright tell me what you want me to do." Levi said. "I want to go upstairs and make everything in order before the baby comes." I said. Levi nodded as he helped me get on my feet. He walked me back upstairs and got everything I would need. After a couple hours of immense pain I couldn't take it anymore. "Levi get this child out of me." I yelled at him. "I can't do that Eren. Hanji is the doctor, she knows what to do I don't." he answered. "Alright than go get her asshole." I screamed. Levi rolled his eyes but did as I told him and soon he came back with Hanji in tow. "Eren how are you?" Hanji asked as she walked over. "Take a look and you tell me how I'm doing." I said breathing heavy. Levi took my hand in his and kissed my fore head. I smiled at him before the next contraction made me scream again. Hanji quickly got to work and timed the contractions before anything else. "Eren you are doing great. Levi I need you to get Armin and Erwin over here." She said. I grabbed Levi's hand tighter and shook my head. "No." I growled. "Eren sweety I know you are scared but we need Armin here." She tried to convince me but I refused. "If you need him you go get him." I said gritting my teeth and clenching Levi's hand tighter. "Fine just wait here." she said and got up. when she was gone I felt some wetness between my legs. "God no." I groaned feeling more pressure between my legs. "Levi help me." I pleaded with him. "I can't do anything Eren, you sent Hanji away remember. you..." I cut him of with a scream and grabbed my legs. "Levi I need to p-push." I said feeling the pressure increase. Levi nodded and helped me keep my legs up as I started pushing. Screaming at the top af my lungs with the pain I pushed. I felt how my opening stretched further. Just then Hanji came running in. "I heard Eren scream is everything alright?" she asked. I nodded quickly before I felt the need again. I took a deep breath and started pushing again. Hanji assisted with Armin at my side. He held my legs up and spread them wider to give the baby more room. It was torture but before long our little baby was born. "Eren it's a girl." Hanji screamed holding her up. I reached my arms toward her and hanji handed her to me. I cradled her close to my chest. "Levi she's so beautiful." I whispered. Levi kissed me and nodded. "Yes that she is." he said. "What will we name her?" I asked Levi. "Oh I don't know Eren you pick." Levi said. I knew he wanted to name her after his friend so without thinking I said. "I want to name her Isabell." Levi just watched me with tears in his eyes and than nodded not able to say anything. "Hello little Isabell, you are the most beautiful girl in the world." Levi whispered. We staid like that for a while but then Hanji came to wash her  and help me clean myself. Levi watched over us as we were both taken care of. Later we laid in bed resting from the eventful day. I fell asleep to Levi stroking my hair in a soothing manner.   

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