Chapter 8: April Fool's Epilogue

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First off, I want to say a huge thank you to animequeenjill for coming up with the idea to do this. It honestly didn't even cross my mind. Oh! A thanks to CharismaticHarmony and LorileeHanson for commenting too!


The beast was after her. After days of running, Erza was reaching the limit of her stamina. Thanks to the magic-sealing cuffs on her wrists, she couldn't requip into her endurance armors either. She was at a loss.

The ever-nearing cries of "Glorious Parfum!" and "Men!" spurred the redhead onwards. Hoping beyond hope to find the one man who could save her from this madness.

Jellal Fernandez

Erza stumbled into a clearing, catching her foot on a branch.

She scanned the clearing and managed to catch the flutter of a cloak on the edge of the trees opposite her.


The bluenette barely had time to turn around before he was being smothered with cleavage.

He passed out from a nosebleed.

When he woke he found himself on Erza's back, piggyback style.

He was almost comfortable. The only thing that bothered him was a cool wind blowing around his-

He looked down.

An almighty scream shattered the peaceful atmosphere.

"Oh, you're up Jellal." Erza said, her tone mildly surprised.

Jellal merely let out a squeak. Still shocked at his frilly, pink dress that looked almost exactly like Mirajane's.

"I'll explain later." She deadpanned. "Just go with it for now."

"If Ultear and Meredy saw me like this-" he let the thought trail off, already imagining the girls' evil grins.

He suppressed a shudder.

"ERZA-SAN!" A huge form crashed right ahead of them. It tumbled for a few yards before hitting a tree and letting out a yelp of "Men!"

Erza let Jellal off her back, and moved to stand at his side.

Iychia jumped to his feet.

"My darling Erza! I have found you at last! Thanks to the help of two people I passed in the forrest."

Two slim shadows appeared behind Iychia.

"Hello Jellal." One of them purred mischievously.

The other was just giggling.

Jellal's eyes grew wide as saucers.

The two flipped back their hoods to reveal, who else?

Ultear and Meredy.

Meredy was laughing so hard she had huge tears flowing down her face.

Ultear, on the other hand, was already contemplating some pretty sweet blackmail. And her devious smirk showed it.

Erza and Jellal were gaping like fish. They could see no possible way to get out of this alive. Or at least with their dignity intact. Though that was pretty much out the window for Jellal.

Erza and Jellal's eyes met, and in an instant they were beating a trail back into the forrest.

"Oh no you don't!" Ultear and Meredy synchronized, already sprinting after the retreating couple.

"I didn't know Erza had another female friend." Iychia mused. "But such regal parfum, I shall have them both!" Iychia let out a loud "MEN!" and frolicked after.

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