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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After a stunning twist, Rhea was evicted from the Big Brother House (7-6). After playing an intense game of mini golf, Jay and Parker won HOH! Zara starts a rumor to Maci that she has a side alliance with Jay, Ashlee and Deana. At the BOB competition, Deana and Ashlee win, dethroning Parker as HOH leaving Jay is left as the solo HOH! Maci exposes Zara as a liar to Jay and Jay is fuming, possibly changing the target! Jay wins the POV and saves Maci! Jay exposes Zara for lying and nominates her for eviction next to Sean. Hadley gets upset at Zara over her actions and doesn't know what to do. Madison and Jay make a secret alliance called the Survivors.

TONIGHT: Who will be evicted from
the Big Brother house? Sean or Zara? This and more on Big Brother 3!

*In the Batman room*

*Hadley finishes up doing her makeup and looks in the mirror. She then cleans off her dress with a lint collector. Zara walks in with a cream robe on*

Zara: "Hey beautiful. I love that yellow dress on you. It fits you perfectly."

*Hadley smiles and hugs Zara tightly*

Hadley: "Thank you. I'm glad you like it.  I saved it for you."

*Hadley rubs Zara's shoulders and Zara kisses Hadley's neck*

*Hadley and Zara kiss a few times*

Zara: "Which outfit should I wear, babe?"

*Zara puts a black dress, red dress and a striped dress on the bed*

*Hadley looks at the dresses and holds up the black one*

Hadley: "I like the black dress, babe. It's my favorite."

Zara: "Black dress it is! Thank you!"

*Zara kisses Hadley and goes to the bathroom to get dressed*

*In the Superman room*

*Parker fixes his hair in the mirror. Sean sits behind Parker and kisses his cheek.

Parker: "That tickles! Stop!"

*Parker giggles*

Sean: "We need to celebrate since I am most likely not going home tonight."

*Parker smiles as he kisses Sean*

Parker: "Definitely. Shoutout to Zara screwing herself."

*Sean giggles and hugs Parker again*

*In the Avengers room*

Noel: "I love that dress Maci! It's perfect! Where did you fr it?"

Maci: "I got it from Forever 21 I think! Like a year or two ago!"

Noel: "When we leave the Big Brother house we definitely need to go shopping!"

Maci: "Oh my gosh, yes!"

*Noel kisses Maci and Maci giggles*

*In the HOH room*

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