~Blue & Green~

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  Its been nine months of torture and pain. Daily dose of that liquid made it even harder to move. And with each new dose the pain increased a hundred times worse. The only way Keith was able to keep himself sane was by adding up the days he was there. Every torture session, every time he was giving that horrible liquid. The number gotten so high he wasn't sure if he could count anymore.

  Keith laid there lifeless in his cell, floating off to a far off place. Back with the Blade, back with Kaylmor.. Oh god he missed Kaylmor.. His laugh, his smile, his eyes. It hurt the Halfbreed to look back on the memories. The happy memories that he new he was never getting back. Truth be told Keith lost hope that the Balde or anyone for that fact would come for him.


  It was time for another session, a "check up" they called it. The galra solider came into the cell, Keith didn't hesitate even once. He knew that it only be worse if he did. The grown galra shoved the halfbreed down the hallway. His bare feet touching the cold hard steel floor. With every step more of his hope vanished.

  It was Sendak's job to break Keith, and he was succeeding at it. Keith was one more step from broken. Any day now he would break. It was only a matter of when.

  Before they reached the door sirens echoed the halls, along with red flashing lights. The solider pushed the halfbreed in the room closing it then running off to see who had dared to come onto the ship without permission. Keith stood up, after the first couple of months Sendak stopped putting cuffs on him. Knowing Keith had lost all hope of escaping. Looking around Keith couldn't see anyone in the room, there was no sign of Sendak anywhere. 'Is this my chance?? Could I really escape right now!!' Those thoughts rain through his head, checking to see if the door was open he pushed at it. Unfortunately it was lock. Another idea popped into his head, the vents. Turning his head there was a desk right underneath a vent. Just tall enough for him to use it to get up.

  Keith made his way through the vents. He didn't know the layout so he was hoping to end up with the escape pods. He found the exist and dropped down. Landing on a sentry when a bright blue bolt just missed him. Looking up there was a tall skinny person in blue armor with a blue gun in his hands. Behind him a smaller figure in green sat hacking in the system. The blue one's gun still pointed at the galra halfy. Keith just sat there, these weren't the Blade's or Zarkon's armor. These were different, they were white but had different colors. Finally the blue armor one let his gun down.

  "Hey Pidge, we got a tag along." The blue one turned looking at the one in green now known as Pidge. Pidge turned looking at galra on top of the sentry. "So we do." Pidge brought their attention back to their computer. "I'm gonna need five more ticks then we can get the heck out of here."

  "Copy that, I'll make sure there's no more back up coming." The green one nodded still typing away at the computer. Keith couldn't believe his eyes he might actually be able to escape with the help of those two. Hope filled his eyes but quickly drained when he heard that sickening voice from behind him. "Well look what we have here! We have the poor little helpless halfy and two of the paladins of Voltron!" An evil smirk was placed on to Sendak's face. Keith's eyes filled with fear once again. If he were to get caught he was surely going to be killed. He couldn't say what would happen to the two paladins but it wouldn't be good. A couple of blue beams shot past Keith aiming right to Sendak.

  Keith felt the blue paladins arm grab his, as he runs in the opposite direction. "Pidge come on! We need to move!" He said as he ran past Pidge. Pidge grabbed their equipment and ran right behind Keith. At first Keith was stumbling, its been forever since he ran. But once he started he never wanted to stop. For once in a long time he felt alive. His heart was beating rapidly, his blood pumping, adrenaline racing through out his body as he ran down the steal hallway. His bare feet touching the cold ground one foot at a time. Looking ahead of him the blue armor guiding him to away out of this hell hold. He was running into a start of a new story.

  This is his story, a story that will never be forgotten.

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