Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Nobody's POV:

Mikey and Donnie watch as Leo and Raph fight, again. Mikey tried to split it up but ended up with Raph throwing him against the wall. All Mikey wanted to do was end the fight. He hated it when his brothers fought. For some reason Mikey felt as if it was his fault Leo and Raph were fighting. Minutes pass and finally the two fighting brothers take their leave. Donnie went after Leo, leaving Mikey to deal with Raph. Mikey knew where Raph went. Mikey knew Raph goes into the sewers to cool off.

Mikey's POV:

"Raphie?" I call out into the sewers. The floor is cold and slick as I walk down each tunnel looking from Raph.

"Raph?" I call out again.

"Where are you Raph?" I ask as I search around.

I'm quiet for a second trying to listen for Raph. The sewer is dead quiet which I don't like one bit. I search for about an hour before I begin to get worried. I have checked every tunnel Raph goes in to cool off.

Even though I am cold I continue to search for my big brother. Ten minutes later I am about to turn back with I notice something on the floor.

"Raph's shell cell" I gasp as I run to pick it up.

I completely forgot about the wet sewer floors until it was too late. I slipped and start gliding quickly down the sewer tunnel further away from the lair, screaming. I try to grab onto object to stop myself, but everything I grab doesn't stop me. I'm scared. I have no idea where I am going.

"RAPH! HELP!" I scream out hoping he could hear me. I soon hear rushing water up ahead. I look to see rapid water to a waterfall. I gulp.

"HELP!" I scream out in last attempt to get someone. I'm doomed.

Raph's POV:

I storm throughout the sewers taking my anger out on everything that gets in my way, which is not a lot.

I'm out here for a few minutes before I hear Mikey calling me. I think about going to him, but I don't. I don't feel like dealing with Mikey's happy attitude at the moment. An hour passes by and I can still hear Mikey calling me.

"Will he ever go away?" I complain quietly. For some reason I'm happy. Usually Mikey would give up after at least ten minutes before he gets bored and leaves. I hear him gasp making me turn. Soon after I hear him scream. It makes me blood go cold. "He is probably trying to play a prank to get me out" I snort turning and walking away.

I hear Mikey scream "RAPH! HELP!" in the most terrified voice I have heard come out of him. My heart pounds as I go running as fast as I can. Hold on Mikey I think to myself as I run towards Mikey's voice. I hear one more scream "HELP!" as I break through the clearing to see Mikey sliding fast toward the rapid waterfall of the sewers.

"MIKEY!" I scream to him as I run fast but carefully to him. As I see him begin to fall I grasp his three fingered hand.

"RAPH!" Mikey calls out to me as I try to haul him up. I look into his baby blue eyes. I see that he is terrified but I also see him happy. Is it because of me? "Hold on, Mike" I grunt. Suddenly I feel the ground slip from my feet.

"Shit!" I grit as I feel myself falling. Mikey is screaming. I grab him and shove his head into my chest as I hold him protectively as we fall blocking his head with my right arm. I feel a sharp pain in left shoulder. I fight to stay awake but find myself falling into the darkness.

"Mikey" I mutter before the darkness completely takes over me.


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